雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 芝麻醬拌菠菜冬菇 新鮮菠菜拌以鮮冬菇及甘筍,加入芝麻醬汁,味道清新富層次。. 粟米雜菜厚燒玉子 厚燒玉子加入粟米及新鮮蔬菜,伴以鰹魚醬汁,嫩滑口感中帶豐富味道。. 香烤八爪魚仔沙律 嫩烤八爪魚仔再配上脆爽的青瓜和甜椒,拌以清爽的醬汁。. 羽衣 ...

  2. 選用季節食材,配合天然調味的特色醬汁,簡單烹調出多款營養均衡的料理。. 下載最新夏季餐單. 比目魚配菠蘿莎莎 加入自家調配的菠蘿莎莎,配合各種香料帶出比目魚柳鮮味。. 味噌雞肉醬烤茄子 茄子加上番茄及雞肉味噌醬汁烤焗而成,充滿濃厚的意式風味 ...

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  3. Some menu items are only available at designated stores. Menu is subject to change on regular basis without further notice. Items in our menu may contain food allergens, e.g. eggs, nuts, milk, gluten and etc.

  4. Deli. Seasonal ingredients are cooked simply with specialty sauces made with natural seasoning, making a variety of nutritionally balanced delis. Download latest Summer Menu. Baked Halibut Fillet with Pineapple Salsa Halibut Fillet baked in mixture of pineapple salsa to boost your appetite.

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  5. cafemeal.muji.com › hkCafé&Meal MUJI

    Café&Meal MUJI aim to cook as simply as possible to bring out the ingredients natural taste which are full of blessings from the sun, soil and water. Dine with ‘Simple Food’ that is gentle for your body, kind to the world and delicious, amidst the relaxing ambience at Café&Meal MUJI.

  6. Download latest Winter Menu Roasted Chicken with Cranberry Sauce Made with cinnamon & orange, juicy chicken meat serve with cranberry sauce to give delectable taste. Simmered Koya Tofu & Chestnuts with Hailbut Halibut coated with chestnut & Koya tofu to bring a smooth and balanced taste.

  7. Café&Meal MUJI德福廣場於6月22日開業,帶來選用季節食材入饌,配合簡單烹調方法,天然健康的原味料理,由主食、輕食,以至甜點,讓顧客享受時令美味,並攝取均衡營養,維持健康生活;並增設麵包、手沖咖啡及便當,為繁忙的都市人提供更便捷的餐飲