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  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [ˈmʌltɪplaɪ]

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. to multiply A by B A乘以B
    • 2. 使成倍增加

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 做乘法
    • 2. 成倍增長


  2. to increase, or to increase something, very much in number. 大幅增加;乘,使相乘. Alzheimer's Disease affects more than 4 million Americans today, and the number is expected to multiply rapidly as the population ages. Major publishers are multiplying the number of titles offered in digital form.

  3. to increase, or to increase something, very much in number. 大幅增加;乘,使相乘. Alzheimer's Disease affects more than 4 million Americans today, and the number is expected to multiply rapidly as the population ages. Major publishers are multiplying the number of titles offered in digital form.

  4. The multiplication in each of these two algebras as well as their action on a module always is denoted by a (for convolution). The slow seed multiplication ratio of legumes limited market options and reinforced the need for long-term investment in seed multiplication. 示例中的觀點不代表劍橋詞典編輯、劍橋大學出版社和其 ...

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供multiply的中文意思,multiply的用法讲解,multiply的读音,multiply的同义词,multiply的反义词,multiply的例句等英语服务。.

  6. 1. 乘,使相乘 [(+by/together)] Four multiplied by five is twenty. 五乘四得二十。. 2. 使(成倍地)增加 Such examples could be multiplied indefinitely. 這樣的例子不勝枚舉。. 3. 使繁殖 Hot weather multiplied the bacteria in the food...

  7. The number of people suffering from Alzheimer's is expected to multiply over the next few decades. 罹患阿茲海默症的人數預計會在接下來數十年內翻倍。 "multiply" 相關課程教材

  8. 發音 [ 編輯] 英語發音 : mŭlʹtĭ-plī, 國際音標 ( 幫助) : /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/. 音頻(英式) :. ( 檔案) 乘;增加;繁殖. 正體: 乘;乘法 [電子計算機] 分類 : . 英語3音節詞. 有國際音標的英語詞.

  9. multiply in British English. (ˈmʌltɪˌplaɪ ) 动词 词形 -plies, -plying, -plied. 1. to increase or cause to increase in number, quantity, or degree. 2. (transitive) to combine (two numbers or quantities) by multiplication. 3. (intransitive) to increase in number by reproduction.

  10. multiply this number by 6 to get your heart rate per minute. 將這個數字乘以6就得到了你每分鐘的心率。simply multiply your weight by your body fat percentage. 簡單地用你的體重乘以你的體脂百分比。first, the microbes quietly multiply and then they suddenly

  11. 『欧路词典』为您提供multiply的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的multiply的中文意思,multiply的读音,multiply的同义词,multiply的反义词,multiply的例句。

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