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  1. 忌廉磨菇湯 Cream Of Mushroom Soup食譜 : 甜琛廚房. Posted by Wincy on Mar - 11 - 2013. 材料. 香草調味隨個人喜好配搭。 菜式: 西式 食譜 (21) 湯水 食譜 (20) 需時: 20 分鐘 份量: 6 人. 金寶湯之中我最喜愛就是忌廉磨菇湯,每次煮都一定會喝掉 2-3碗。 不用半小時就可以在家做好這款西湯,菇味香濃,磨菇份量隨自己口味加減,切粒切片一樣好吃。 如果想再食得矜貴點,可以改用黑松露及野菌烹調,一定會香氣十足。 歡迎加入甜琛廚房 Facebook 專頁,分享你的烹飪樂趣,互相交流下廚心得。 http://www.facebook.com/SweetheartKitchen. 洋蔥洗淨,去皮切粒備用;

  2. 2021年5月28日 · 1. 在鍋內,加入牛油,炒香洋蔥. 2. 加入白蘑菇、大啡菇和鮮冬菇,略炒. 3. 加入白酒,煮至所有菇變軟. 4. 加入百里香 (可選) 和肉湯,用中火煮沸湯. 5. 當湯已煮沸時關火,取出百里香。 讓湯冷卻.

  3. 2021年6月13日 · 作法. 第一鍋 (洋蔥),奶油15g炒中小火洋蔥至焦糖化的褐色,約45分鐘每五分鐘拌炒以防焦掉。 第二鍋 (高湯) ,高湯鍋將香菇與蘑菇梗放入高湯中小火開始燉煮約10分鐘後,將梗取出。 第三鍋 (菇),奶油15g與橄欖油炒切碎的菇類,下白酒與香料,炒至白酒酒氣蒸發完,撒入麵粉拌炒均勻。 當洋蔥炒完成時,將一、二、三鍋混合成一大鍋中火煮滾。 湯會因為麵糊開始變糊,轉小火,加入鮮奶油,嚐味道看是否需要加鹽,煮兩分鐘後熄火。 用調理機或是手持調理機將濃湯打碎,打越久口感越密,看個人喜好囉。 最後,還記得一開始有香菇切片嗎? 用一點點橄欖油煎至金黃最後點綴在碗裡。 湯盛裝碗裡後放上煎香菇片、撒上黑胡椒和鮮綠的巴西里葉。 前菜 開胃菜 湯 蘑菇.

  4. 2023年10月5日 · 𝗜𝗻𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀. Lean meat: 300g. Morel mushrooms: 8 pcs. Cordyceps flower: 30g. Chestnuts: 15 pcs. Carrots: 1 pc, sliced. Corn: 1 pc, sliced. Figs: 6 pcs. Zhunshan: 3 pcs. Water: 2000ml (incl. mushroom soaking water) 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀. Soak Morel mushrooms Rinse and soak in 50°C water for 30 mins, reserve mushroom soaking water.

    • Mushroom Soup
    • What Goes in Mushroom Soup
    • How to Make Mushroom Soup
    • Life of Dozer

    It’s easy enough to sauté up some mushrooms in butter, then add some flour, broth followed by a good glug of cream, and call it a day. And while it will taste just fine, it won’t really taste that much like mushrooms, except for the bites you get with mushroom bits in it. So in presenting you with a mushroom soup recipe I wanted to make sure it act...

    1. Mushrooms!

    Swiss Brown / cremini mushrooms have a stronger mushroom flavour than regular white / button mushrooms but make the soup browner. So I like to use a combination of both Swiss Brown and standard white mushrooms. This gives you the best of both worlds: an intense mushroom flavour with an elegant pale cream colour rather than a (very) brown one! (Fun fact: White / button, Swiss Brown / cremini and portobello mushrooms are actually all the same mushroom – just in different stages of the mushroom’...

    2. Mushroom Soup – other ingredients

    One really nice thing about this Mushroom Soup recipe is how few ingredients are actually called for. Why gild the lily with extra unnecessary flavourings when we already have a soup full of beautiful mushroom flavour! 1. Vegetable stock – Store-bought stock works fine here, but I really recommend trying this with Homemade Vegetable Stock one of these days! Vegetable stock is much easier and less messy to make than meat-based stocks like beef stock and chicken stock, calling for just basic ve...

    This soup is very straightforward to make, but there is time involved in sautéing and simmering. This task is essential to bring out all the wonderful flavours! 1. Sauté onion and garlicin butter for 5 minutes over medium heat until softened, but don’t let them go golden; 2. Cook mushrooms for 10 minutesuntil they become soft. They will release qui...

    Builders are here jackhammering up a concrete slab all day today, and I can’t find Dozer’s earplugs. So I sent him off to spend the day with the golden retriever boarder!

    • (67)
    • Western
    • Soup
    • 264
  5. 蘑菇濃湯|口感香濃滑順,超級簡單!. Cream of Mushroom Soup. 料理手札:將蘑菇以清水快速清洗,並迅速擦乾水分,以避免影響風味。. 蘑菇需拌炒至 ...

    • 4 分鐘
    • 34.4K
    • Ben Lee 李鴻賓
  6. 2015年10月31日 · Cream of Mushroom Soup忌廉雜菌湯. 第一次做cream of mushroom soup,很滿意,除了用新鮮小磨菇,加入乾牛肝菌能提升湯的香味。. 牛肝菌浸20分鐘,盛起,水留起備用。. 小磨菇切成小粒。. 牛油放鍋內,熱後加入牛肝菌、小磨菇炒至乾身,約6分鐘。. 加蒜頭拌勻 ...