How is Chinese nationality acquired?
Who has Chinese nationality?
Does China have dual nationality?
Who is considered a Chinese citizen?
Is a Hong Kong resident a Chinese citizen?
What is the Chinese nationality law (CNL)?
2024年10月26日 · 從翻譯學的角度來看,中文的”國籍”應該翻譯為”Nationality”,而”國家”則應該翻譯為”Country”。因此,當我們要表述中文國家或國籍時,國家(Country)的英文對應應該是”China”,國籍(Nationality)的英文對應應該是”Chinese”。 Nationality 點填?
根據《中華人民共和國國籍法》,「中國公民」指具有中國國籍的人士。 凡具有中國血統的香港居民,本人出生在中國領土(含香港)者,以及其他符合《中華人民共和國國籍法》規定的具有中國國籍的條件者,都是中國公民。 由全國人民代表大會常務委員會通過及解釋的《中華人民共和國國籍法》,對取得、喪失及恢復中國國籍訂下規定。 中華人民共和國國籍法及有關「解釋」 申報國籍變更. 持有外國護照的中國籍香港居民須向香港特區入境事務處申報國籍變更,方可在香港特區內被視為外籍公民。 加入中國國籍. 外籍公民或無國籍人士,若他們是香港居民及符合《中華人民共和國國籍法》的規定,可以申請加入中國國籍。 退出中國國籍. 中國公民若符合若干規定,可申請退出中國國籍。 恢復中國國籍. 曾經具有中國國籍的外籍公民,可申請恢復中國國籍。
A “Chinese citizen” is a person of Chinese nationality under the CNL. Hong Kong residents who are of Chinese descent and were born in the Chinese territories (including Hong Kong), or persons who satisfy the criteria laid down in the CNL as having Chinese nationality, are Chinese nationals.
- Chinese Nationals in HK
- Renouncement of Chinese Nationality
- Naturalization as Chinese Nationals
Chinese nationals do not automatically granted the right of Hong Kong permanent residence. There are statutory requirements for Chinese nationals become eligible to Hong Kong permanent residents. Moreover, only permanent residents of Hong Kong who are also Chinese nationals can hold senior posts in hong Kong government and entitled to apply for Hon...
According to the Nationality Law of PRC, a Chinese national who settled outside China and acquired foreign citizenship (or nationality) is no longer recognized to be a Chinese nationals, so that his/her children cannot obtain Chinese nationality on their birth. Essentially, ex-Chinese nationals and the children of an ex-Chinese nationals are not en...
The foreigners must fulfilled all the situations follow before their submission of application to become Chinese nationals as follows: 1. present of close relative(s) who are Chinese nationals 2. ordinarily residency in China 3. with legitimate reasons for applying Chinese nationality All applications for naturalization as Chinese nationals are han...
The People’s Republic of China is a unitary multinational state; persons belonging to any of the nationalities in China shall have Chinese nationality. Article 3: The People’s Republic of China does not recognise dual nationality for any Chinese national. Article 4:
Chinese nationality is conferred by the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China (PRC). It is acquired primarily through ancestry, not place of birth . Under articles 4 and 5 of the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China , persons of Chinese descent, regardless of whether they were born in China (including Hong Kong) are ...
中國國籍是按照《中華人民共和國 ( 中國 ) 國籍法》授予的。 國籍基本上是憑祖籍 ( 血統 ) 傳給後代,並非根據出生地而獲得的 。 按照《中華人民共和國國籍法》第4條和第5條,祖籍中國的人士,不管他們是否在中國(包括香港)出生,一般都會被視為中國公民。 但如屬 國籍法第5條所指人士,即其中國籍雙親 均已定居外國(或其父親或母親是中國籍但已定居外國),並且本身在出生時已獲得外國國籍的人士,便不會獲得中國國籍。 換言之,如閣下的父親或母親已定居外國,而閣下出生時已獲得外國國籍,儘管閣下祖籍中國,亦不會獲得中國國籍。 如某兒童的父親或母親(即其中一位)是中國籍,該兒童在出生時亦可獲得中國國籍。 並非祖籍中國的人士(即沒有中國血統),即使在中國誕生,他們一般都不會被視為中國公民。