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  1. 2023年11月30日 · Net profit ratio ( NP ratio) is a popular profitability ratio that shows the relationship between net profit after tax and net sales revenue of a business entity. It shows the amount of profit earned by an entity for each dollar of sales and is computed by dividing the net profit after tax by the net sales for the period concerned.

  2. 2023年2月12日 · The net profit ratio (also known as net profit margin) is the net profit after tax as a percentage of net sales. Net Profit Ratio: Formula. The formula to calculate the net profit (NP) ratio is: Both the components in this formulanet profit and net salesare usually found in the trading and profit and loss account or income statement.

  3. 2023年12月5日 · What is the Net Profit Ratio? The net profit percentage is the ratio of after-tax profits to net sales. It reveals the remaining profit after all costs of production, administration, and financing have been deducted from sales, and income taxes recognized.

  4. www.opentextbooks.org.hk › zh-hant › ditatopicNet Profit Ratio

    The net profit ratio is the percentage of sales revenue retained by the company after payment of operating expenses, interest expenses, and income taxes. It is an index of perform

  5. 2021年1月12日 · 凈利潤 (Net Profit) [ 編輯] 凈利潤(收益) 是指在 利潤 總額中按規定交納了 所得稅 以後公司的利潤留存,一般也稱為稅後利潤或凈收入。 凈利潤的計算公式為: 凈利潤= 利潤總額 ×(1- 所得稅率 ) 凈利潤是一個企業經營的最終成果,凈利潤多,企業的 經營效益 就好;凈利潤少,企業的經營效益就差,它是衡量一個企業經營效益的主要指標。 凈利潤= 利潤總額 - 所得稅費用. 其中,所得稅費用是根據企業會計準則的要求確認的應從當期利潤總額中扣除的 當期所得稅費用 和 遞延所得稅費用 。 [1] [ 編輯] 凈利潤的取決因素. 凈利潤的多寡取決於兩個因素,一是利潤總額,其二就是所得稅率。 企業的所得稅率都是法定的,所得稅率愈高,凈利潤就愈少。

  6. 2024年6月1日 · Net profit margin, or simply net margin, measures how much net income or profit a company generates as a percentage of its revenue. It is the ratio of net profits to revenues for a...

  7. 2023年10月1日 · The Net Profit Ratio is a financial metric that measures the after-tax profitability of a company relative to its revenue generated in the corresponding period. The net profit ratio compares a companys reported net income (thebottom line”) to its revenue in the same period, expressed in the form of a percentage.

  8. Net Profit Ratio. Also known as Net Profit Margin ratio, it establishes a relationship between net profit earned and net revenue generated from operations (net sales). Net profit ratio is a profitability ratio which is expressed as a percentage hence it is multiplied by 100.

  9. 2024年6月25日 · The gross profit margin, operating profit, and net profit margin ratios are the most commonly used measurements of business profitability. Net profit margin reflects the amount of...

  10. 純益率 、 淨利率 (Net profit margin) 指的是 稅後淨利 占 營收 的百分比。 [1] 淨利率 = 稅後淨利 / 銷貨淨額. 淨利率通常用於內部對比。 準確的對不同的實體進行淨利率的比較是困難的。 不同商業的運作方式以及財務分類有著極大的不同,以至於不同的實體被綁定到不同的費用級別上,為了使得這些實體之間的比較具有一定的意義。 一個低的淨利率指出了一個低的安全率:將會有更高的可能性發生銷售的下降導致收益的減少,最終導致淨損失以及負收益。 收益率是一個公司定價策略以及成本控制一個指示符。 競爭策略的不同以及產品的混合會引起不同公司之間收益率的巨大區別。 易淆. [ 編輯] 收益率會頻繁的與 利潤 混淆以來。 企業家錯誤的聲稱收益率超過了100%並不是一件少有的事情。

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