雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Sustainable Corporate (Environmental) 2022 Standard Chartered Corporate Achievement Awards. The core "One Step Forward" notion of New World articulates the Group's readiness, resolution and stamina for embracing challenges.

  2. As at 31 December 2020, total asset value of the Group amounted to approximately HK$616.5 billion. View All. The core "One Step Forward" notion of New World articulates the Group's readiness, resolution and stamina for embracing challenges.

  3. cms.nwd.com.hk › downloadIR › reportNew World Development

    New World Development

  4. cms.nwd.com.hk › downloadIR › reportcms.nwd.com.hk


  5. Back to Press Release. 2022. 30 Sep. New World Group Announced FY2022 Annual Results. New World Development Company Limited announced FY2022 Annual Results [ full story] (in pdf format) NWS Holdings Limited announced FY2022 Annual Results [ full story]

  6. The group recorded consolidated revenues of HK$95,213.8 million, recorded a year-on-year increase of. 40%. segment results was HK$14,550.6 million and core profit was HK$11,011.0 million, up by 5% and. 21% respectively. The Group’s attributable contracted sales in Hong Kong amounted to about HK$8,859.0 million.

  7. highest female Board ratio among Hong Kong real estate developers (effective 1 December 2022) NWD is committed to achieving and maintaining a diverse Board and workforce Empowering Innovation “Artisan Hacks @ New World Innovation Challenge” to encourage colleagues to develop their ideas into practical solutions 17.3

  8. (30 September 2022, Hong Kong) New World Development Company Limited (“NWD” or the “Company”, Hong Kong stock code: 0017) today announced the audited consolidated annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries (collectively the “Group”) for the financial year ended 30 June 2022. Consolidated Highlights:

  9. 新世界發展2022/2023中期業績 物業發展收入强勁增長21% 合約銷售超180億港元. (2023 年2 月23日 – 香港) 新世界發展有限公司 (「 新世界發展」 或「 本公司」, 香港股份代號:0017) 今日公佈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)截至2022 年12 月31日止六個月(「回顧期」)之未經審核綜合中期業績。 綜合重點: 2 年財政年度上半年上升13% 。基本溢利為3,360百萬港元,本公司股東應佔溢利為1, 本集團香港應佔物業合同銷售金額為約78.7億港元. 本集團中國内地整體物業合同銷售金額為約人民幣92.4億元. 杭州新世界·城市藝術中心單盤累計銷售金額強勢突破人民幣110億元,亮眼成績詮釋了本集團強勁的實力和市場號召力,更進一步印證了長三角城市的巨大潛力

  10. 302 New World Development Company Limited