If you are a monthly-rated full-time employee and you took unpaid leave for the month, you are considered to have performed an incomplete month of work. You can calculate the salary for an incomplete month's work using the formula below: You can also use this calculator to help you in your salary computation for an incomplete month’s work.
當假期放盡時,打工仔就會考慮到無薪假期(No Pay Leave)。 到底無薪假期能否想放就放? 這篇文章將會提及無薪假期的定義、薪酬計算方法及常見問題,更會有打工仔為旅遊申請無薪假的個案分享。
The Statutory Employment Entitlements Reference Calculator programme is a simple tool to assist employers and employees to initially compute the statutory employment entitlements under the Employment Ordinance for reference.
An employer who fails to pay annual leave pay to an employee is liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, to a fine of $50,000. Restriction on Pay in lieu of Leave
If maternity leave pay, paternity leave pay, sickness allowance, holiday pay or annual leave pay is payable by an employer to an employee in respect of a wage period, and the last day of the wage period falls on or after the commencement date.
法定僱傭權益參考計算機程式,旨在提供一個簡便的工具,協助僱主及僱員根據《僱傭條例》初步計算僱傭權益,以作參考之用。 輸入全部所需資料後,按「計算」按鈕,程式便會計算僱員根據《僱傭條例》可享有的僱傭權益及相關金額。 注意. 本計算機程式是基於《僱傭條例》下法定權益的相關條文、使用者輸入的資料,及一些假設狀況作運算,計算結果只供初步參考。 精確的法定僱傭權益計算,需要考慮僱傭合約內的條款以及個別個案的實際情況,而這些因素會因應個別個案而有所不同,故此可能未完全反映在此計算機程式的計算之內。 勞工處對於因這些資料內容或因使用這些資料所引致的任何損失,一概不負任何責任。 此計算機程式所提供的資料,不應被應用在任何法律程序上,或被視為申索的證據。
2017年11月15日 · 根據《僱傭條例》,並無“NO PAY LEAVE(或稱事假)”相關的規定或條文。 只有凡按連續性合約受僱的僱員,每7天可享有不少於1天休息日。 休息日屬有薪或無薪,應由僱主和僱員雙方協定。
2019年4月3日 · Share. 打工仔一年普遍只有10至14日的有薪年假,更甭提那些使人使到盡,福利僅僅符合勞工法例,一年只給7日有薪年假的公司。 說實話,有薪年假太少,不少人都希望向公司申請停薪留職,以便獲取一段較長的休息期去整頓身心,而筆者亦時聞有朋友成功得到老細首肯,保留職位等她歸來。 但是「停薪留職」或者攞No-Pay Leave都不是輕易事,畢竟公司請你回來,是需要一個headcount去運作。 停薪留職非打工仔自行決定. 殘酷的現實是,即使你想停薪留職,請無薪假,亦極有可能不獲批准。 在現行的《僱傭條例》中沒有條文是提及無薪假的,換句話說,對無薪假是沒有任何規管或限定。 如果打工仔想放無薪假,只能自行向直屬上司或老闆提出,再看看能否獲批。 即使不獲批,打工仔也不能上訴。
To calculate an employee's prorated salary, you must take into account these scenarios: An employee who starts work after the 1st day of the month. An employee who resigns before the last day of the month. An employee who takes no pay leave of one or more days in the month.
In calculating the average daily wages, an employer has to exclude (i) the periods for which an employee is not paid her wages or full wages, including rest day, statutory holiday, annual leave, sickness day, maternity leave, paternity leave, sick leave due to work