- (a)Limit the sounding of alarms installed in premises to no more than 15 minutes; and (b)require all vehicle alarms not to sound unless the vehicle is being tampered with and the alarm will not sound for more than 5 minutes after being triggered.
What is Noise Control Ordinance?
Is noise from non-residential buildings controlled under Section 13?
What is Section 5 of the noise ordinance?
Does the occupational noise ordinance control occupational noise?
What is the Hong Kong Noise Control Ordinance?
What is a noise control offence?
designated area ( 指定範圍) means an area established under section 8A; (Added 2 of 1994 s. 2) domestic premises ( 住用處所) means—侵擾者警報系統(intruder alarm system) 就第13A 及13B條而言,指一個藉發出由侵擾者觸發的可聽信號以作有侵擾者的警告的警報系統; ( 由1996 年第61 號第2 條增補 ...
本條例旨在就防止噪音,將噪音減至最低限度及消減噪音,委任噪音管制監督,噪音管制監督在噪音管制方面的權力及職責,罪行的訂立及相關事宜訂定條文。 [1989 年2 月17 日] 1989 年第44號法律公告( 格式變更——2018 年第2 號編輯修訂紀錄) 第I部導言. 簡稱及生效日期. 本條例可引稱為《噪音管制條例》。 本條例自行政長官藉憲報公告指定的日期起實施;根據本條刊登的公告,可為本條例的不同條文指定不同的實施日期。 ( 由2024 年第21 號第78 條修訂) 釋義在本條例中,除文意另有所指外 ——上訴委員會(Appeal Board) 指根據第21條組成的上訴委員會;公眾地方(public place) ——
政府可根據《噪音管制條例》制訂規例及技術備忘錄,以詳細訂明管制準則、量度程序及其他技術細節。. 條例由環境保護署署長(獲委任為噪音管制監督)及香港警務處共同執行。. 下列各類噪音由其他法例管制:. (a) 職業噪音(即從工廠或其他工業場所發出而 ...
This Ordinance may be cited as the Noise Control Ordinance. This Ordinance shall come into operation on a day to be appointed by the Chief Executive by notice in the Gazette and notices under this section may appoint diferent dates for the coming into operation of diferent provisions of this Ordinance.
Noise from the non-residential parts of such buildings is controlled under section 13 of the Ordinance. The nature of the noise sources covered by these provisions in sections 4 and 5 of the
The purpose of the Noise Control Ordinance is to provide statutory controls to restrict and reduce the nuisance caused by environmental noise. The Ordinance does not seek to control occupational noise (that is, noise generated inside a factory or other industrial
Introduction. Action Levels and the Main Requirements. ADVICE FOR PROPRIETORS. 3.1 Decide whether you have a problem. 3.2 Assess the noise. 3.3 Tell the employees affected. 3.4 Reduce the noise as far as practicable. 3.5 Ear protection. 3.6 Ensure your programme is working. ADVICE FOR EMPLOYEES. Useful Information.
noise control ordinance section 13 相關