雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Noise is a common subject of complaint in Hong Kong and reducing it has been a priority for the EPD since the department was established in 1986. Controls are imposed on construction noise, noise from commercial and industrial premises and neighbourhood noise, and much effort has gone into preventing noise.

  2. There are two sets of noise criteria or Basic Noise Levels, in dB(A), abbreviated as BNLs: BNLs contained in the Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2014年3月11日 · Information on Noise Exposure. Transport noise affects about 900,000 people in Hong Kong. Unlike noise from industrial, commercial, construction and neighbourhood activities, it cannot be controlled effectively through the Noise Control Ordinance.

  5. (c) Peak Action Level - a peak sound pressure level of 140 dB or peak sound pressure of 200 Pa. 2.2 Generally, a daily personal noise exposure can be regarded as the total exposure throughout the working day, taking into account the average noise levels in the

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  6. 香港的建築噪音管理措施. 一如許多人口密集的大城市,香港同樣面對嚴重的噪音問題。 鑑於市區土地有限,樓宇之間往往相當緊貼,當中更有不少為商住兩用。 所以當有建築或翻新工程進行時,所產生的噪音往往會對他人構成很大滋擾。 自《噪音管制條例》於1989實施以來,環保署一直透過審慎管理,致力減少建築噪音問題,以求在建造業的需要和維持社會和諧之間取得平衡。 更多關於香港的噪音管理措施的資料 《噪音管制條例》文本. 寧靜施工方法及優質機動設備. 香港的特點是密集的城市景觀、不斷的發展和有大規模的基礎建設計劃。 雖然許多的建設項目都是為配合各項規劃和經濟發展的需要,但也難免會對附近居民產生建築噪音的影響,而很多時候,這些噪音問題只能透過使用比較安靜的建築方法和設備,以及有效和創新的噪音緩解措施來緩解。

  7. Like other large cities in the world, Hong Kong has its share of noise problems. Here you can learn about why noise is a problem, how it is produced by construction, traffic, aircraft and other sources, and the ways in which the Government keeps it under control.

  8. Construction and renovation noise in a compact city like Hong Kong can be a significant problem. On this page you can learn about how the Environmental Protection Department is managing construction noise, the roles of construction noise permits and noise emission labels, a code of good practice to which the Department is encouraging adherence ...