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  1. notice of termination 相關

  2. Answer a Few Simple Questions to Create Your Customized Employee Termination Letter. Create a Fully Customized Contract to Outline the Terms of Your Agreement.

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  1. Termination of Employment Contract Without Notice or Payment in lieu of Notice. An employer may summarily dismiss an employee without notice or payment in lieu of notice if the employee, in relation to his employment: wilfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order; misconducts himself; is guilty of fraud or dishonesty; or.

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  2. What is the required length of notice, or the amount of payment in lieu of notice, for termination of an employment contract? Q2. Is there any situation whereby an employer or an employee can terminate a contract of service without notice or payment in lieu of notice?

  3. 根據《僱傭條例》,一個「月」指由發出終止僱傭合約通知之日起計,直至: 下個月份同一日的前一日 (如2月13日至3月12日) 如下個月份並無同一日,則至下個月份最後一日 (如 1 月 30 日至 2 月最後一日) 如發出通知之日為一個月的最後一日,則至下個月份最後一日 (如 2 月最後一日至 3 月 31 日) 如何計算代通知金. 代通知金的金額是僱員的平均工資乘以通知期的月數或日數。 計算方法詳列如下: *如沒有預先發出終止合約通知,則用「終止合約的日期」前12個月內僱員所賺取的每日平均工資計算。 **如沒有預先發出終止合約通知,則用「終止合約的日期」前12個月內僱員所賺取的每月平均工資計算。

  4. 勞工處 - 認職《僱傭條例》- 終止僱傭合約:僱主的責任及僱員的權益(動畫). 認職《僱傭條例》- 終止僱傭合約:僱主的責任及僱員的權益(動畫).

  5. Notice of Termination of Employment Contract (Chinese only) 致: 社會福利署合約管理組( 傳真:3468 2002) 地址: 香港灣仔愛群道44 號戴麟趾夫人訓練中心3 樓306室 及 致:入境事務處輸入勞工組( 傳真:2824 2067) 地址: 香港灣仔告士打道7號入境事務大樓入境事務處總部.

  6. 2021年9月15日 · In Hong Kong, unless an employer has sufficient grounds to justify summary dismissal, the employer must give notice to the employee for the termination of employment.

  7. 2021年7月16日 · Under Hong Kong employment law, both an employer and an employee generally have the right to terminate an employment contract either for cause or without cause. In the case of a termination without cause, the Employment Ordinance provides for termination by notice given by the employer or the employee or for payment in lieu of notice.

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