In conclusion, Noty is an ideal solution for those who want a quick and easy way to add notifications and confirmations to their website. With its lightweight design, customizable templates, and flexible settings, Noty is a must-have tool for any web developer.
前幾天分享我找到 好用的快顯通知套件 - NOTY,當時從一堆套件選中 NOTY,它只需一個 js 一個 css 搞定,甚至支援 IE10+,在 Github 上獲得超過 6700 顆星算是主流選擇之一,而簡便性與擴充性感覺不錯,最吸引我的點 - 不依賴 jQuery。. 雖然我一定會靠 jQuery 再 ...
使用方法. 一般情况下,直接使用noty (options)全局函数来创建提示信息即可: 1. noty({text: "noty - jQuery 通知插件 - 囧月 - lwme.cnblogs.com" , layout: "center" , timeout: 5000}); 以上代码将创建一个在屏幕中间显示的提示信息,并在5秒后自动关闭。. 注意:如果没有对应布局 ...
noty 是一个很有用的 jQuery 插件,用于创建 alert, success, error and confirmation 信息提示框,替换浏览器标准的对话框 登录 注册 开源
What is Noty. Noty allows you to identify various activities related to your products and bring them together in one place. The tool allows you to prioritize and send notifications based on their importance, ensuring you get all the important updates. With Noty, you can easily take the necessary actions and make it easier to stay on top of your ...
Noty is a dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue.