雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Centaline Property provides latest residential properties information about Ocean Pointe of Sham Tseng, including estate details, locations, facilities and transportation, as well as transaction records and listing details of Ocean Pointe.

  2. 縉皇居 位於新界 深井 / 青龍頭 (美聯分區) 深慈路8號,發展商為嘉里發展,於2000年12月開始落成,由3座樓宇組成,共有560個單位。. 屋苑內設有會所、泳池、兒童設施、運動設施、娛樂設施、餐飲設施、美容/保健、休閒區,小學校網在62區,中學校區在荃灣 ...

  3. 中原地產提供深井縉皇居的市場資訊,包括近期實用/建築呎價、叫價、成交宗數等。. 客戶亦可了解到縉皇居附近的公共交通、學校資訊、人口普查資料等,在準備置業前詳細了解縉皇居的環境。.

  4. Ocean Pointe is located at 8 Sham Tsz Street, Sham Tseng / Tsing Lung Tau, New Territories. The developer is KERRY, the Occupation date starts from December 2000. It consists of 3 buildings with a total of 560 residential units.

  5. 縉皇居 - 提供香港樓市成交紀錄、成交宗數及樓價走勢。. 查看最新成交、有關物業成交日期、成交數據、平均實用呎價、單位平面圖及其他物業資料,讓您方便尋找最新樓市成交資訊,掌握房地產市場動態。. 今日立即瀏覽 28hse.com。.

  6. 詳細資料. 相近物業. 縉皇居臨海而立,無論眺望青馬大橋的莊麗景致,或細賞馬灣小島的明媚風光,每個角度都如詩如畫。 配合精心設計的住客會所及特色園林,盡享最遼闊的視野和生活空間。 地址. 新界深井 深慈街8號. 查詢. 電郵 enquire_us@kpmsl.com. 電話 (852) 2496 0062. 緹外 縉庭山 所有物業. Kerry Properties is a world-class property development company with significant investments in key cities in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC") and Hong Kong.

  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ocean_PointeOcean Pointe - Wikipedia

    Ocean Pointe (Chinese: 縉皇居) is a skyscraper in Sham Tseng, New Territories, Hong Kong. The tower rises 54 storeys and 184 metres (604 ft) in height. [2] The building was completed in 2001. [1] It was designed by architectural firm DLN Architects & Engineers, and was developed by Kerry Properties Limited. [2]

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