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    n 名詞

    • 1. 絕無僅有的事物; 卓爾不群的人

    adj 形容詞

    • 1. 一次性的; 獨特的 a one-off example 絕無僅有的例子
  2. ONE-OFF翻譯:一次性的事物, 一次性的。了解更多。 While static robot programs may be sufficient for high volume manufacturers, they are not adequate in one-off or small-batch manufacturing.

  3. ONE-OFF翻译:一次性的事物, 一次性的。了解更多。 However, once the list was established, the spot contracting process differed sharply from the economists' model of 'spot contracting' as one-off, arms-length exchanges (described above).

  4. ONE-OFF的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. something that happens or is made or done only once: 2. happening only once: 3. something that…。了解更多。 Patients entered the project at different times; some benefits won were recurrent, but for an unknown period, while ...

  5. one-off是什么意思_one-off用英语怎么说_one-off的翻译_one-off翻译成_one-off的中文意思_one-off怎么读,one-off的读音,one-off的用法,one-off的例句 Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.我们的调查显示这些过敏多为一次性反应。柯林斯高阶英语

  6. one-off consumption ph. 一次性消費 Dr.eye 譯典通 first off ph. 【口】首先 First off, let's see how much it'll cost. 首先, 讓我們看看要花多少錢。 Dr.eye 譯典通片語 first off ph. 首先,一開始 ...

  7. 'ONE-OFF' 的 简体中文 Translation of | 官方柯林斯 英语 - 汉语词典 网上词典。10 万条 英语 单词和短语的 简体中文 翻译。 There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. We look at some of the ways in which the ...

  8. one-off n mainly UK, informal ([sth] done once only) 非正式用语) SC Simplified Chinese 一次性事件 yí cì xìng shì jiàn SC Simplified Chinese 昙花一现 yí cì xìng shì jiàn,tán huā yí xiàn The song was a one-off and the group never produced another hit ...

  9. A one-off opening night, a showing, an exhibition, an extravaganza -- call it what you will. Edward Docx THE CALLIGRAPHER (2003) Far from the one-off we were hoping for, he's turned at a stroke into an habitual offender. Fraser, Anthea PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN

  10. But one February afternoon, as he was surfing off the coast of King Island, Tasmania, a wave tore the camera off his mount and it sank into the sea. 不過,就在二月的一個下午,他在澳洲塔斯馬尼亞州國王島的海岸衝浪時,一陣海浪把相機從底座上給捲走沉到海裡。

  11. one-off是什么意思?one-off怎么读?新东方在线字典为用户提供单词one-off的释义、one-off的音标和发音、one-off的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词one-off

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