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  1. 2018年3月31日 · Follow. 3 min read. ·. Mar 31, 2018. 累積多年經驗,考試形式大致可分為三大類: Open Book Examination。 允許攜帶一張A4紙, 把你希望帶入試場的資料/公式寫在上面。 Close Book Examination。 而 Open Book Examination又可以再細分為兩種:...

  2. To prepare for open-book assessments, below are some general tips on planning ahead, note-taking, final preparations, answering techniques; and some that are more specific to online open-book assessments, namely, time management, and online work and submission. 1.

    • Overview
    • Preparing for the Exam
    • Developing Note Taking Skills
    • Taking the Exam

    An "open book exam" is a test that allows you to bring the text or material you have been studying. This may sound at first that all you will need to do is look up the answer the day of the test--and thus a very easy type of test to take. However, this is not how this sort of test typically works. In fact, these are often quite difficult, as an ope...

    Understand the rationale behind an open book exam.

    Open book exams do not rely on learn-and-regurgitate learning. Instead, you will have the information in front of you, but what you will be asked is typically quite involved. Open exams are meant to teach students how to take information and apply it in a thoughtful, deep manner. In an open book exam, the focus is not on memorizing information but applying that information. What this means for you is that you will not simply be summarizing material from a textbook. You will be interpreting it in the context of specific questions and scenarios.

    For example, you will likely not be asked in a class about Shakespeare, "What is Romeo's family name?", more likely it will be, "Using citations, explain why Romeo's family contributed to his eventual death."

    There are generally two types of open book exams: a restricted type and an unrestricted type. In a restricted exam material is limited to specific documents, such as a single set of notes or single textbook. In an unrestricted exam, there is no limit on what can be brought into the exam room or take-home test. Make sure you know if your exam is restricted or unrestricted before taking the test.

    Attend all lectures and class periods.

    This should be obvious, but the best way to assure your notes are reflective of the testing material is to attend all lectures and class periods regularly.

    Remember, an open book exam is not just memorizing material; it's striving to genuinely understand it. Each professor and teacher has a unique area of focus when it comes to covering reading materials. You can't replicate your instructor's preferences by studying the reading materials alone. You need to attend class.

    If you do not understand something, note this. Many people will make a notation, such as a big question mark to indicate an area which you do not understand. Leave a section in your notes to be filled in later. Ask other classmates or email your professor if you're struggling to understand this concept.

    It is OK not to be clear on something--a good teacher will be happy that you have questions.

    If you are still foggy on an area, it's also good to know that. If you have a choice of essay questions, it is good to be able to ascertain quickly which topic to write on.

    Exam anxiety can affect performance, so make sure you know good strategies to keep your nerves in check in the exam room.

    Stop studying an hour before the exam and use this time to take care of yourself. Take a walk or eat something light. If you're poring over material right before an exam begins, you'll likely psych yourself out.

    Know the time and place of the exam and give yourself extra time to get there. Getting lost or running late can increase anxiety and affect performance.

    Get a good night's sleep before the exam. Anything that affects you physically can affect you mentally, so make sure you're rested and refreshed before entering the exam room.

    If you start to feel nervous during the exam, take a moment to stop. While time is an issue, plowing through and exam despite feelings of anxiety will lead to a poor overall performance. Do not hesitate to stop, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths to calm yourself before continuing.

    Use test taking strategies during the exam.

  3. IMPORTANT NOTE: Open-book exams are NOT easier than closed book exams – oftentimes they are harder. An open-book exam will require you really understand material and be able to apply or analyze information and content rather than just remember it.

  4. 顧名思義,開卷考試是指容許考生在答題時參考其他資料的考試方式。 在當前疫情下,開卷考試通常是在家(Take-home exam)而非在考場進行。 相對於需要安排監考的線上考試,在家進行的開卷考試較容易安排,無需複雜的技術設定或太高的硬件要求,能減低學生的考試壓力。 在教學法層面,開卷考試能考核學生理解、綜合、和應用知識等高階思維能力,而非單靠死記硬背,有助發展學生的21世紀技能。 然而,開卷考試對於不少學生來說是較新的形式,學生未必知道如何有效地預備考試,或可能因不熟悉考試規則而在無意中犯規。 由於缺乏監考,老師要採取額外措施來確保學生的答題是否原創,也要花心思防止作弊。 以下幾點是設計開卷考試時應留意的事項,可供教育界同仁參考:

  5. 其他人也問了

  6. If you are used to exams that test memorisation, you might think that open book assessments are easy or encourage cheating, but don’t be deceived. They are designed to assess you even when you have access to reference materials and the internet.

  7. students.unimelb.edu.au › exam-preparation › open-book-examsOpen-book exams - Students

    Open-book exams are a type of assessment at university that allows you to use certain study materials in the exam. While on-site exams might limit what readings or resources you can use, home-based online open-book exams are less likely to impose these restrictions.