雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我想問下有冇人知呢部機有冇GAME可以入落去玩~同埋呢部機有D咩支援軟件可以用? 先謝解答 香港討論區

  2. Features and functions include a wide range of support for various audio and video formats, line-in/FM/voice recording, the ability to take down text and voice memos and an integrated FM radio chipset with 50 pre-set stations and pre-scheduled recording support.

  3. 2024年6月6日 · 本帖最後由 tommychow0811 於 2010-5-31 19:02 編輯 Oracom W30 8G PMP 3" touch mon,超順超新,mon有mon貼,背面有小花[正常果d]有玩mp3都知呢個品牌d ... 最新熱點: 簡體版 訂閱頻道 訂閱電子報 Facebook Instagram 主頁 專題報導 新聞中心 新品快遞 ...

  4. 2009年3月5日 · HANNOVER, Germany (AVING Special Report on 'CeBIT 2009') -- ORACOM(www.oracom.co.kr) presented its mini-sized touch PMP 'A10' during CeBIT 2009, which is equipped with Tele chips.

  5. With its new line of portable media devices, Oracom delivers a versatile mini PMP experience that includes music, videos, photos, DMB TV and FM radio, all accessible through a haptic touch-sensitive interface designed to maximize viewing experience and

  6. Diseño no le falta y como podéis comprobar en la imagen, Oracom ha puesto todo su empeño en fabricar este nuevo PMP de tamaño compacto que es capaz de realizar las mismas funciones que cualquier otro modelo más del mercado.

  7. 2008年9月19日 · It's been a while since an Oracom PMP caught our attention, but our ears perked up with news of its W30 rolling out later this month.