雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 沖繩OTS租車公司。 提供那霸、石垣島、宮古島機場的免費接送。 最新的油電混合車、露營車和商務用車也有提供,還有各式各樣的車款。

  2. Rent a car in Okinawa with OTS. Free airport transfer service in Naha, Ishigaki and Miyako. Choose from various car types of latest models, Hybrid vehicles to Camping car All non-smoking cars. Equipped with car navigation system.

  3. OTS Rent-a-car provides car rental services in Okinawa, Hokkaido & together with Heisei Rent-a-car in Okayama, Kagawa and Ehime. OTS Rent-a-car and Heisei Rent-a-car conduct rental services independently.

  4. 所以每家租公司都會有自己的名目,例如:OTS的安心保險方案、ORIX的RAP安心優惠制度、Times的Super Safty Package等等,每家都有各自的價格及服務內容。

  5. OTS可說是國人最愛的沖繩租車公司,網路上可以找到非常多的預約教學,以下我們要分享給各位的是[如何選擇最適合的租車據點],讓大家在安排行程的同時就決定好方便租車的門市!

  6. OTS Rent-a-Car offers various types of cars, hybrids, campers, commercial cars and cars for physically challenged, most of them the latest models. We also offer discount plans, such as early Booking promotions. Free transportation between our offices and the airport.

  7. 「OTS RENT-A-CAR」(OTSレンタカー通稱OTS租車」,在沖繩縣內有6個服務據點,從那霸機場到租車公司分處提供免費的巴士接送服務,方便顧客前往。 在沖繩縣市中心的國際通上,還有OTS租車顧客專用的貴賓休息室,裏面設有Wi-Fi和插座,方便顧客使用;也有會 ...

  8. 2024年2月3日 · 沖繩租車是我心目中最推薦親子或帶爸媽家族旅行的首選,因為沖繩租車自駕很方便 ,所以即使帶了一家老小也可以簡單的安排自由行,再加上透過沖繩租車自駕可以避免搭乘大眾交通工具的風險,也可以降低與人接觸機會,是現在後疫情時代很推薦旅遊方式. 已經去沖繩自駕三次了,所以再做了一點功課,整理一下各家沖繩租車公司差別,看你是要找 OTS 租車、Orix 租車或 Times 租車,這裡 從接送方便性、公司據點、保險涵蓋度與最重要的費用,幫你推薦與比較6家最適合沖繩租車公司 (包含 OTS、Orix、Times、NISSAN 日產租車、Toyota 租車、TRC (Luft Travel Rent-a-Car)、WBF Rent-a-Car 等. 文章目錄. 1) 沖繩租車怎麼選擇.

  9. OKINAWA. About One Two Support Travel insurance. Compensation for sudden illness or injury while traveling for all rental car passengers! Check here for more information. Fee for cleaning car interior stains and removing odours.

  10. For first-time travellers to Okinawa or customers who wants a reliable car rental company, OTS Rent-a-car is one of the most well-recognisable names in the car rental industry. OTS, also known as Okinawa Tourist Service, has its history spanned a good 60

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