雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 課程特色. 其中的精神健康護理學高級文憑是本港首個把精神科登記護士培訓提升至精神科註冊護士的兼讀制遙距模式課程. 著重理論和實踐教學. 提供嶄新及全面的臨床護理教學,當中包括中醫護理及護理技術。 臨床實習電子化. 率先引入平板電腦到臨床實習中,取代沿用多年的臨床實習記錄簿,平板電腦載有學習材料,讓學生在臨床學習時用作參考,同時亦可記錄學生的臨床表現,使臨床學習更具效率和靈活性。 入學要求. 非香港都會大學普通科/精神科護理學高級文憑畢業生申請人須符合以下條件: 1. 香港護士管理局認可的普通科/精神科登記護士;及. 2. 現於香港醫療機構任職的普通科/精神科登記護士;及. 3. 於香港護士管理局登記後具備指定年數的普通科/精神科護理工作經驗;及取得指定學歷 (如適用),詳請如下:

    • Admissions

      辦公時間. 地點. 2024年6月17日- 8月18日(申請時段延長), ...

    • 常見查詢

      修讀科目年級科目編號科目名稱學分值第一年NURS 8607NCF中 ...

    • 新生資訊

      常見查詢 此課程何時開課? 本課程每年九月秋季開課。 普通 ...

    • 課程內容

      Maintained by: School of Nursing and Health Studies( ...

  2. 2018年4月17日 · en to rnou nursing conversion course). 大家好,請問一下過往靠自己收到offer的師兄師姐(意思係 不是由公院私院推入去),想問一下你地成績大概係幾多?. ou en和唔係ou en 都分享下。. 因為聽翻不是由公院私院推入去果啲人係睇成績,所以想問下咁多位多 ...

  3. 點覆好. 一年一度既MU conversion 已經報得名啦! 由OU等到變MU😢 各位加油,有咩資訊可以一齊交流下~ 香港討論區.

    • Learning Outcomes
    • Mode of Delivery
    • Assessment
    • Award

    On completion of the programme, students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the subjects such as biological and medical sciences, communication, social and behavioural sciences as well as legal and ethical aspects in nursing practices; 2. Apply nursing theories and evidence-based nursing knowledge integrated with problem...

    Face to face training including lectures, tutorials, skills laboratory; self-directed e-learning; and clinical practice.

    At least 80% class attendance and 100% clinical attendance.
    Pass all assessments including presentations / assignments / tests / examinations / clinical assessments.
    Supplementary assessments may be granted subject to the recommendation of the Board of Examiners.

    Upon successful completion of this program and having passed all required assessments: 1. Graduates will receive the Higher Diploma in Nursing (An Enrolled Nurse to Registered Nurse Conversion Programme) within the HKU system through HKU SPACE. 2. Graduates will be eligible for registration with the Nursing Council of Hong Kong (NCHK) as a Register...

  4. 引用:原帖由 異域肉肉工人 於 2018-8-8 10:33 PM 發表 請問你係ha 定private? private 香港討論區

  5. 辦公時間. 地點. 2024年6月17日- 8月18日(申請時段延長), 以下課程的入學申請 已結束: • 教育榮譽學士(幼兒教育:領導及特殊教育需要) BEDECELSH1/BEDECELSH2/BEDECELSH3/BEDECELSH4. • 幼兒教育高級文憑(循途徑二) HDECE2. •教育證書CED1/CED2. •護理學高級文憑 HDN/HDN1 ...

  6. This programme (in the generic or public health stream) is a conversion programme for registered nurses graduating from hospital-based higher diploma or professional diploma programmes who are currently working in local hospitals, the Department of Health, private clinics, and/or non-governmental organizations. BNurs (PT) for RN Leaflet. Duration.

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    ou nursing