雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Renungan Hari Ini. Kabar yang Patut Dirayakan. Baca Sekarang. Mendampingi perjalanan Anda bersama Tuhan. Setiap hari, setiap kesempatan. Bergabunglah untuk menikmati renungan firman Tuhan, berbagi pokok doa, informasi perkembangan pelayanan dan acara mendatang, serta lebih banyak lagi.

  2. 尋求上帝的旨意做決定. 閱讀. 你一直在尋找自己的目標嗎?. 你是否想要確定上帝對你一生的旨意?. 你認為一個錯誤會毀掉一切嗎?. 感恩的是我們不需要焦慮,因為上帝對我們充滿慈愛和恩典。. 讓我們拋開憂慮,與作者杜思康一起探索聖經有關上帝旨意的 ...

  3. Our Daily BreadDaily Devotions from the Word of God. When Knowledge Hurts. August 31, 2022. Read: Ecclesiastes 1:12–18 | Bible in a Year: Psalms 132–134; 1 Corinthians 11:17–34. Download MP3. Subscribe to iTunes. For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief. Ecclesiastes 1:18.

  4. odb | 靈命日糧繁體中文網站. 作者: Ade Chandra 日曆. Our Daily Bread Ministries. PO Box 2222. Grand Rapids , MI 49501. (616) 974-2210. odb@odb.org. 現在就訂閱! 透過電郵收到靈命日糧每日靈修文章. Please provide your first name. Please provide your last name. Please provide a valid email address. Please indicate which email (s) you would like to receive. 每一天透過電郵發送靈命日糧給我.

  5. 多重管道,豐富恩典. 多年前,我參加了一個教牧研討會,看到了許多信徒發揮屬靈恩賜所帶來的美好影響。. 當時,主領的牧師運用他的教導恩賜,啟發和引導數百位參加者。. 但還有許多人也參與了服事,他們或在台前或在幕後,都發揮了樂意接待、慷慨大方 ...

  6. Delivered Fresh Daily. Millions of people around the world are encouraged every day through Our Daily Bread. We would love to help you grow in your faith by drawing closer to God. Sign up to have Our Daily Bread delivered to you in any way you choose.

  7. 靈命日糧事工 - 粵語 (Our Daily Bread Ministries) @ODBTC ‧. 12.3K subscribers ‧ 832 videos. 我們鼓勵你帶著渴慕的心,每日親近上帝。 世界各地有數百萬名讀者已選擇使用《靈命日糧》作為每日靈修及默想的材料。 我們渴望將屬靈材料帶給讀者,幫助他們與聖經結連,每天都能領受、反思以及回應上帝的話語。...

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