Founded by the Maryknoll Sisters in 1961, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital became one of the public hospitals under the governance of the Hospital Authority in 1991 with 236 beds at present. As a Catholic hospital, the services not only cater to the physical, but also the psychological and spiritual needs of the patients.
Founded by the Maryknoll Sisters in 1961, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital became one of the public hospitals under the governance of the Hospital Authority in 1991 with 236 beds at present. As a Catholic hospital, the services not only cater to the physical, but also the psychological and spiritual needs of the patients.
Founded by the Maryknoll Sisters in 1961, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital has a Catholic ethos that focuses on total care for the physical, social, psychological and spiritual needs of its patients.
Is Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital a Catholic hospital?
Who founded Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital?
Which hospitals will redevelop Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital?
聖母醫院 (英語: Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital, 醫院管理局 內部代碼:OLMH),是一間位於 香港 黃大仙 天主教社區醫院,座落 香港 九龍 黃大仙區 黃大仙 沙田坳道 118號。 醫院在1961年由 瑪利諾女修會 創立,是一間 天主教 醫院,自1991年起由 醫院管理局 管理,隸屬 九龍中聯網,現任醫院總監為 劉思廷 醫生 [ 1 ][ 2 ]。 服務範圍. [编辑] 專科服務. 內科. 外科. 婦科. 兒科. 老人科. 麻醉科. 紓緩治療科. 家庭醫學. 耳鼻喉科 (只限14歲或以上) 骨科 (經本院醫生轉介) 肺科. 心臟科. 內分泌及糖尿科. 腸胃肝臟科. 泌尿科. 其他服務. 放射診斷. 超聲波掃描 服務. 電腦掃描服務. 物理治療.
Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital (Chinese: 聖母醫院; Cantonese Yale: Singmóuh Yīyún) is a Roman Catholic hospital at Wong Tai Sin area in New Kowloon of Hong Kong.
2019年11月29日 · Founded by the Maryknoll Sisters in 1961, Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital became one of the public hospitals under the governance of the Hospital Authority in 1991 with 236 beds at present. As a Catholic hospital, the services not only cater to the physical, but also the psychological and spiritual needs of the patients.
Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital. Medical Report Request Form. Data Access Request.
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