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  1. paris pass by go city 相關

  2. Top Paris Attractions all on One Digital Pass! Take Total Control of your Trip. Go Save. Go See it all. Go your Way. Go City®. Buy a Pass!

    3 Day Pass - Up to 119,00 € - View more items


  1. 使用 Go City®观光通票探索巴黎畅游多达 55+ 个热门景点,最多可节省 50% 的门票优惠。省得多、尽情玩、一码搞定!

  2. Save up to 50% on Paris attractions. Access 95+ top Paris attractions for one low price. Includes the Eiffel Tower, the Seine River Cruise and Big Bus.

  3. 2023年6月19日 · GO City是一款手機應用程式,它以活動包的形式提供當地旅遊景點的各種門票,幫助旅遊愛好者享受目的地的專屬活動。 GO City的使用方法非常簡單。以下我們為您準備了一份關於如何選擇、購買及使用Go City Pass的詳細指南。 如何購買和使用GO City Pass

  4. Have a 5% discount, on us! Explore Paris with Go City®. Our All-Inclusive Paris Pass offers great savings, flexibility and attractions for everyone.

  5. 巴黎全天暢遊通行證 The Paris Pass by Go City 即買即用 3天前可免費取消. 注意:由於站內商品來自全球各地,訂單取消時間將依該供應商所在時區判定。. 供應商需 2-5 個工作天進行取消流程,依照您購買的商品取消政策收取手續費,並於取消流程完成後14 個工作天 ...

  6. 2018年9月8日 · The Paris Pass by Go City 即買即用. Adult Pass: 2-day and 3-day pass include a 2-day Paris Museum Pass; 4-day pass includes a 4-day Paris Museum Pass; 6-day pass includes a 6-day Paris Museum Pass. Youth Pass: Paris Museum Pass is not included, regardless of the validity period. HKD 1,026 起.

  7. 巴黎全天暢遊通行證 The Paris Pass by Go City 即買即用 3天前可免費取消. HK$ 1,499. 起. 最早可預訂日:2024-10-24. 關於此方案. 3天前可免費取消. 立即確認並發送憑證.

  1. paris pass by go city 相關

  2. Feel confident when you book tickets for the top-rated tours and activities for your trip. Skip-the-line tickets help you take advantage of each moment you have in your destination.