雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A written employment contract reminds both employers and employees of their obligations, helps avoid possible disputes and sets out clearly the rights and benefits of both parties. To assist employers and employees to draw up written employment contracts, the Labour Department has prepared a sample employment contract for their reference.

  2. 為協助僱主與僱員訂立書面僱傭合約,本處特別編印了一份「僱傭合約樣本」,供僱主及僱員參考。. 該樣本主要涵蓋僱員在《僱傭條例》下可享有的法定權益及保障。. 有關這些權益或保障的領取資格及其他詳情,請參閱《僱傭條例》的原文或本處編印的《僱傭 ...

  3. Under the Employment Ordinance, a contract of employment can be made orally or in writing. Employees*rights and benefits are protected under the Ordinance irrespective of whether the employment contract is made verbally or in writing. The use of written employment contract may help employees better understand the terms of their employment ...

  4. 2024年8月13日 · A Part-Time Employment Contract is a legal document that lists the responsibilities, expectations, and rights of the employer and employee entering the work agreement. Unlike a full-time employee who typically works at least 35 hours per week, a part-time employee agrees to work fewer hours.

  5. 2016年2月23日 · Part time contract: There is no statutory distinction between part time and full time employees, but only between those employed under a continuous contract (who work not less than 18 hours per week for not less than four weeks), and those that are not.

  6. 2019年9月3日 · We will be answering key questions for employers including the difference between “temporary”, “part-time” and “substituted” employees under the eyes of the Hong Kong Employment Ordinance to help you gain a better understanding of the local employment

  7. Sample Employment Contract. This contract of employment is entered into between _____________________________________(hereinafter. referred to as “Employer”) and__________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Employee”) on _____________________________________ (date) under the terms and conditions of employment below : 1.