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    IPA [ˈpɑːtɪsɪpl]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 分詞 past/present participle 過去/現在分詞
  2. 你有沒有發現「分詞」在哪裡呢?🤩 沒錯!「現在分詞」和「過去分詞」都是分詞喔!😎 簡單來說,分詞的定義就是一種「動詞變化」,可以分為「現在分詞」和「過去分詞」。 👉🏻「現在分詞」或稱為 V-ing,最常見的就是「動詞 +ing」的型態。 👉🏻「過去分詞」或稱為 p.p. (past participle ...

  3. PARTICIPLE翻譯:分詞。了解更多。 Unlike with plain adjectival complements, where such an interpretation cannot lead to morphosyntactic or event-structural reanalysis, with adjectival passive participles it can and does.

  4. 2022年7月1日 · A participle is a form of a verb used as either an adjective (“the hidden treasure”) or a part of certain tenses (“we are hiding the treasure”). Participles have two different types, the present participle and past participle, and participles used as adjectives can form a ...

  5. PARTICIPLE翻译:分词。了解更多。 示例中的观点不代表剑桥词典编辑、剑桥大学出版社和其许可证颁发者的观点。

  6. 分词(英語: participle,簡寫:PTCP)是一個语言学術語,為一种非限定動詞形式,其在句子中的功能隨上下文的語境變化。 取決於上下文,分詞可以具有副詞的功能或是作為一個形容詞 [1]。可以用于构成复合时态 语态或作为修饰语。分词常常有其他词类的特征,特别是形容词和名词的特征。

  7. 分詞(英語: participle,簡寫:PTCP)是一個語言學術語,為一種非限定動詞形式,其在句子中的功能隨上下文的語境變化。 取決於上下文,分詞可以具有副詞的功能或是作為一個形容詞 [1]。可以用於構成複合時態 語態或作為修飾語。分詞常常有其他詞類的特徵,特別是形容詞和名詞的特徵。

  8. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ParticipleParticiple - Wikipedia

    In linguistics, a participle (from Latin participium 'a sharing, partaking'; abbr. PTCP) is a nonfinite verb form that has some of the characteristics and functions of both verbs and adjectives. More narrowly, participle has been defined as "a word derived from a verb". ...

  9. PARTICIPLE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the form of a verb that in English usually ends in "ed" or "ing" and is used as an adjective…。了解更多。 Unlike with plain adjectival complements, where such an interpretation cannot lead to morphosyntactic or event-structural ...

  10. Participle clauses are mainly used in written texts, particularly in a literary, academic or journalistic style. Present participle clauses Here are some common ways we use present participle clauses. Note that present participles have a similar meaning to active ...

  11. 此頁面最後編輯於 2024年6月2日 (星期日) 13:41。 本站的全部文字在創用CC/共享創意 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 協議 之條款下 ...

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