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  1. A participle phrase is an adjective phrase headed by a participle. In the sentence 'Jumping up, Jack realized he had won,' 'Jumping up' is a participle phrase that describes 'Jack.' A participle phrase can be headed by a present participle or a past participle.

  2. 分词Participles),一般可分为现在分词(Present participles)和过去分词(Past participles),以及完成态现在分词(Perfect participles)三种。 其主动形式和被动形式,如下图所示: (一)现在分词短语(或从句)的动作在前,主句动作在后。 1、动作正在进行或持续一段时间. Tom lost his keys walking through the park. She left the room singing happily. Opening the envelope, I found two concert tickets. Did you try clicking the key? 找车时,按车钥匙(重复多次)

  3. 2023年11月13日 · Adding extra description to a noun, a participial phrase is a great way to explain details without interrupting the rest of a sentence. But how do you use them, and what are the rules? We explain everything you need to know below and include some participial phrase examples so you can see how they work. What is a participial phrase?

  4. A participial phrase (also known as a participial clause) is a type of adjective phrase that begins with a present, past, or perfect participle. Participial phrases allow us to give more information about a noun (or pronoun ) without having to use an additional clause, which makes sentences shorter and more elegant.

  5. 2021年2月3日 · 分詞片語就是將修飾名詞的形容詞子句 (關係子句)改成分詞結構的片語。 和 分詞構句 一樣,首要先複習的是,先了解 分詞 代表的意義, V-ing代表主動和進行,p.p.代表被動和完成。 分詞片語是由形容詞子句 (關係子句)變化而來,即是將關代 (who/which/that)省略,將動詞改成分詞就完成了! 以步驟來說明: 步驟一:找出關代。 步驟二:省略關代,將關係子句的動詞改成分詞。 主動意義改為V-ing,被動意義改為p.p. The man who wore a beard was Mr. Hiddleston. 💡 =The man wearing a beard was Mr. Hiddleston. (留著鬍子的男人是Hiddleston先生。

  6. 2022年7月1日 · Participles are a particular form of verb that has two main purposes: 1 Turn the verb into an adjective to modify nouns. 2 Connect with auxiliary verbs to create different tenses, such as the present perfect tense. Here’s an example of participles used as adjectives: Let’s say you’re at a zoo looking at otters.

  7. What are participle phrases/participial phrases? A participle phrase is a group of words that is headed by a participle (present, past, or perfect participle) and modifies a noun, like an adjective or an adjective phrase does. So, a participle phrase is nothing but a type of an adjective phrase.

  8. 2017年5月10日 · Participle phrase和形容詞差不多,用作形容名詞。 但是,participle phrase的用法更勝一籌,因為它是一個短語,描述的仔細程度比起「形容詞」更高。 形容複雜事情. 平日,我們很多時都用「形容詞」去形容簡單事物,如a sunny day 、an adorable girl 、a breathtaking scene 等等,但當我們以動作去形容複雜事情時,如「被襲擊的」路人、「正在上課中的」學生、「飛了上天上的」麻鷹等等,形容詞便不能勝任,participle phrase就大派用場了。 比方說,說明「巴士撞上大橋,車身翻側」,一般你要用到兩個句子去表達: The bus crashed into the bridge.

  9. Participle clauses enable us to say information in a more economical way. They are formed using present participles (going, reading, seeing, walking, etc.), past participles (gone, read, seen, walked, etc.) or perfect participles (having gone, having read, having seen, having walked, etc.).

  10. 2024年6月17日 · Participial phrases provide a seamless way to integrate additional information into a sentence. They are phrases (i.e. dependent clauses) that look like action verbs but really act more like adjectives, giving further description of nouns. Using this helpful grammar tool makes reading material more enjoyable for you or your audience.

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