雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Whether you need a receipt for a cash payment, credit card transaction, or online payment, we’ve got you covered. The templates are designed to provide a clear and professional record of every payment received, ensuring accuracy and transparency in your financial transactions.

  2. A payment receipt is a formal document issued by a business or organization as proof of partial or full payment made to the business for goods purchased by customers. Payment receipts are proposed to provide the client with proof of payment for goods or services that they have received.

  3. receipt 的意思. receipt 簡單來說就是收據或發票,也就是賣家向買家發出載明已經收到款項的單據,顧名思義,是在交易發生後才交給顧客或買家的一種證明,一般是 B2C,也就是商家對客戶,舉例:我們一般在許多商店購物以後,所收到的統一發票,就是很典型的 receipt。 它也可以作為已經獲得交易物品所有權的證明,上面列有各種資訊,像是賣家和買家的姓名、數量、價格、付款方式、付款日期、發票號碼、支付總額與賣家簽名等等,也是一種法律效力文件,但因為上面不一定每次都會載明數量和付款項目,因此 invoice 作為輔助,成為明列交易項目和服務的憑證就會變得格外重要。 當然,當發票上已經載明這些事項,就沒有必要再另外附上 invoice 了。 Here’s your receipt.

  4. A receipt is a written document acknowledging a payment that has been made. A receipt is commonly issued after an invoice has been paid and includes transaction details, such as payment method. Sample. RECEIPT. Date: [DATE] Receipt Number: [#] Amount Received: $ [AMOUNT] For the Payment of: [DESCRIPTION]

  5. 網上寄送收據. 根據你的偏好,在Wise提供的各種格式樣本(Excel、Word、及PDF)中,選出最適合的收據格式,瞬間發送至全球客戶。 為下次作準備. 現在你可以透過Wise下載 報價單範本 、 發票範本 和 收據範本 ,流水式製作專業的商業範本。 Wise 提供更便宜、快捷的海外收款方式. 註冊 Wise 商業賬戶,讓你不受時間和地域限制,與全球各地的商業伙伴、客戶保持無間斷的合作,收付款都一樣方便。 Wise採用快捷、安全和實惠的方式,提供國際付款服務。 我們完全明白你的憂慮:匯率中的隱藏成本? 不用擔心,Wise總是使用無溢價的市場中間匯率,即是在Google搜尋到的市場匯率。 被一般銀行的各種隱藏手續費嚇怕了?

  6. 2023年6月9日 · A receipt of payment, also known as a payment receipt, is a document that acknowledges a partial or complete payment for a product or service. A receipt of payment acts as proof of purchase that a business (seller) gives to its customer (buyer) after they have received payment for their product or service.

  7. Save a copy of receipts you send or give customers as proof of goods sold, services rendered, and payment made. Every receipt should include a unique number so it can be easily filed and found.

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