雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Permanent Secretary for Security Patrick Li Deputy Secretary for Security 1 Miss Vega Wong A Division Principal Assistant Secretary for Security A Ms Jenny Chan E Division Principal Assistant Secretary for Security E Ms Sandy Cheung Deputy Secretary for ...

  2. Ms Doris Ho Pui-ling. Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) Mr Ricky Lau Chun-kit. Education Bureau. Permanent Secretary for Education. Ms Michelle Li Mei-sheung. Environment and Ecology Bureau. Permanent Secretary for Environment and Ecology (Environment) Miss Janice Tse Siu-wa.

  3. Mr Tang has been Secretary for Security since June 2021. He joined the Hong Kong Police Force as an Inspector in 1987 and was appointed as Commissioner of Police in 2019. Mr Tang has received training at various Mainland and overseas institutions, including China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong, Shanghai; Royal College of Defence Studies ...

  4. This website sets out the structure of the Security Bureau and the related departments and organisations. It gives an overview of our work, including our commitment in safeguarding national security, and a variety of topics and issues, and the Legislative Council matters that we oversee.

  5. 特區政府熱烈歡迎國家向非中國籍香港永久性居民簽發卡式證件以提升通關便利. 2024年07月01日. 新聞公報. 《香港國安法》實施四周年 安全穩定環境促進良政善治. 2024年06月30日. 新聞公報. 特區政府強烈譴責台灣當局假借調升旅遊警示抹黑香港國安法律. 2024年06月27日. 新聞公報. 政府飛行服務隊與中國民用航空飛行學院簽署合作備忘錄 深化人才交流及青年培育合作(附圖) 2024年06月27日. 新聞公報. 「禁毒知識站:勇闖未來‧遠離毒害」巡迴展覽正式啓動(附圖) 2024年06月26日. 新聞公報. 保安局局長主持「禁毒知識站:勇闖未來‧遠離毒害」巡迴展覽開幕禮致辭(只有中文)(附圖) 2024年06月26日. 新聞公報. 香港特區加入東南亞司法網絡.

  6. 2022年6月27日 · The Government announced today (June 27) the following senior appointments: (a) Miss Eliza Lee Man-ching, Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Commerce, Industry and Tourism), will assume the post of Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development on July 1, 2022; (b) Mr Clement Leung Cheuk-man, Permanent ...

  7. Posts of Permanent Secretaries, Officials of Directorate Grade 6 Rank and above (and equivalent) Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Mr Eddie YUE Wai-man, J.P. Director of the Chief Executive's Office. Ms Carol YIP Man-kuen, J.P. Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development.