2022年8月23日 · With this list of personality adjectives, the days of searching for those perfect words to describe someone are over. Look no further than this helpful list.
2024年8月5日 · These adjectives help you describe someone’s character effectively. The reference also covers when to use personality adjectives, a top list of personality words, and includes examples and pictures to aid your learning. This can help you better communicate and describe people’s personalities in English.
Personality adjectives describe the positive and negative aspects of someone’s personality. Words like generous, enthusiastic, meticulous and outgoing are positive adjectives. Words like indecisive, tactless, fussy and grumpy are negative adjectives.
用英文描述正面個人特質. 首先,在英文裡,個人特質指的就是 personality traits 或 character traits,trait 是名詞,表示「特徵或特點」,而與 character 相似的 personality 則是由形容詞 personal(個人的)衍生而來,時常被用來談及一個人的「個性」或「性格」,也可以泛指一個人的「人格」。 What personality traits are you looking for in a partner? 你在尋找具有哪些個人特質的另一半? 如何用英文詢問別人的個人特質?
2022年10月31日 · 個人特質形容詞中英文對照. 我是一個思想開明的人. I am an open-minded person. 他對人總是非常有禮貌. He’s always so polite to people. 他很親切大方,也充滿熱情. He is very kind and very compassionate. 她既風趣又很有魅力. She was witty and very Charming. 湯姆是一個爽直、善於社交的人. Tom was an outgoing, sociable kind of man. 🔺 更多 菲律賓遊學資訊. 🔺 更多 英文學習平台推薦. ⬇ 更多關於 英文學習方法 的延伸閱讀: 🔖 一對一線上英文家教課程【外籍老師,英文口說訓練】 英語學習網推薦,評價 ☜.
2024年9月3日 · From “hardworking” to “happy”, this list has words to describe people in a straightforward way along with their meanings and examples, making them easier for you to use and understand. So, let’s explore these adjectives to help you express yourself better
2024年3月4日 · Personality Adjectives & Character Traits in English. 101 POSITIVE adjectives to describe a person. While some of these adjectives are listed as positive, some people may consider them negative. How would you describe yourself in three words? I am … adaptable: able to change in order to deal successfully with new situations.
These pages list personality adjectives - adjectives that we use to describe a person and their character or personality. Personality adjectives can be positive or negative, depending how we view the trait.
This page lists 100 adjectives that describe people and personality in a positive way - so-called positive personality adjectives. Vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers.
101 adjectives to describe a person’s personality and character traits in English with example sentences. In this English resource we look at POSITIVE adjectives to help describe a person’s personality and character. While most of these adjectives are considered positive, some people may consider some of them negative.