雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年6月25日 · 其中,不少香港打工仔喜歡或常用「by return」一詞,例如「Please confirm by return」、「Please send me the report by return」、「Please reply by return」等。 雖然這是「請盡快回覆」的意思,但有網民認為這句說話予人無禮之感,好像要強逼對方立即回覆。

  2. Acknowledge 本身有「承認,認可」的意思,大搭配此句用於書信當中則有「確認收到來信」的意思。 如果希望對方在收到信件後來信確認,則可用 Please acknowledge receipt of this email/message.(信件請確認收悉。

  3. 2024年3月1日 · Saying “Please confirm receipt of this emailis one way to do it, but sometimes you might want a different touch. This article provides ten alternatives to ask for email confirmation, each with its own tone and situation in mind. Whether you need a formal or informal approach, you’ll find the right phrase to use.

  4. Other ways to say “please confirm receipt of this email” are “please confirm you acknowledge this,” “kindly confirm receipt of this email,” and “please acknowledge receipt of this email.”

  5. 2019年4月22日 · 最常見的回覆可以用: Thank you for your email. 謝謝你。 Thanks for responding so quickly to my request. 謝謝你這麼快回覆。 較正式的回覆可以用: This is to confirm that I have received your email. 確認已收到您的郵件。 This is to acknowledge receipt of your email. 確認已收到您的郵件。 We have already received your reply and will get back to you shortly.

  6. 2024年6月18日 · What is an acknowledgment email? If someone sends you something, it's polite to write back (right?). That's a confirmation receipt email, also named an acknowledgment email. Simply put, acknowledgment messages are sent to confirm you've received something. That could be an application, a document, an invoice, or a leave request.

  7. 2024年3月26日 · Acknowledging an email professionally is key to effective communication. Here are fourteen ways to confirm you’ve received and understood a message: Thank you for your email. I have received your email. Thank you. I’ll take a look, thanks. Noted. Understood. Received.

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