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  1. The national flag of Poland ( Polish: flaga Polski) consists of two horizontal stripes of equal width, the upper one white and the lower one red. The two colours are defined in the Polish constitution as the national colours.

  2. Horizontally divided white-red national flag. It has a width-to-length ratio of 5 to 8.The first recorded use of the coat of arms of Poland, a white eagle on a red shield, dates from the 13th century. The reason for the choice of colours is not known, but it may simply have been a desire to make a.

  3. The Polish flag consists of two equally broad stripes - red one at the bottom and white one on top. The colors are derived from the Polish emblem - a white eagle on a red background. This emblem dates back to the Middle Ages, and although the eagle was removed from the flag, white and red became the traditional colors of Poles.

  4. A variety of Polish flags are defined in current Polish national law, either through an act of parliament or a ministerial ordinance. Apart from the national flag, these are mostly military flags, used by one or all branches of the Polish Armed Forces, especially the

  5. The National Flag of Poland features two equal horizontal bands of white (top) and red. The flag colors have long been associated with Poland and its coat of arms. The white color represents the hope for peace by all the people of Poland.

  6. 2024年6月10日 · 波兰国旗 (下文皆简称为“国旗”,除非特别指明)由上白下红两条同宽的水平色条构成。 波兰宪法 将这红白两色规定为 国家代表色 。 在白条中央嵌了 国徽 的国旗变体在法律上保留给官方于国外或海上使用。 波兰人使用与变体旗类似、带燕尾旗的衍生版被作为 海军旗 。 波兰官方在1831年采用白色和红色为国家代表色。 这两种颜色有着 纹章 学的血统并延伸自 波兰立陶宛联邦 两个政体国徽上的颜色(即波兰红底白鹰和 立陶宛 红底 白马白骑士 ( 立陶宛语 : Vytis 、 波兰语 : Pogoń )上的红和白)。 在1831年之前,波兰士兵配戴各种颜色的 帽徽 。 国旗在1919年被正式采用。 自2004年起,每年5月2日定为波兰的 国旗日 。 国旗每天都要悬挂于 议会 和 总统府 之类的最高国家机构。

  7. 2021年11月9日 · When did the Polish flag appear? What colour is it actually? What is the proper way to display it? What should you do with it when a storm is coming? And who wrote poems about it? Worthy of its very own Polish National Flag Day, let us tell you everything you

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