雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年9月5日 · Welcome! Hello, all business students in PolyU! Here you will find different types of resources and research tools from and beyond the Library to support your learning and research. Featured Resources. Westlaw Asia. is an online legal research service which provides a unique collection of legal and regulatory information.

    • William Ho
    • 2011
  2. Everyday Law. Through games and case studies, this course aims to help students to understand the legal system in Hong Kong, including: criminal and civil litigation, internet law, law on intellectual property, civil negligence, employment law, discrimination and privacy.

  3. PrimeLaw is a legal database that covers legislation and cases in Hong Kong, UK and Austrilia, and commentary and journals of legal topics. Library's subscription covers: Primelaw: Hong Kong Arbitration: a user's guide. Hong Kong company law & practice.

    • 2766 6863
  4. 為什麼在PolyU SPEED修讀ATC教授的法律學士? PolyU SPEED和ATC是倫敦大學認可的教學中心 自2000年以來,已培訓出13名法律學士(LLB)一級榮譽畢業生 過往畢業生的考試合格率逾90% 在過去十年,ATC成為該地區最大教授法律課程的私立院校 課程以

  5. 律師會致力提高公眾的法律意識,方便公眾獲得法律服務,藉以向我們的會員推廣回饋社會的文化。

  6. 內容每日上載更新,有:常識 Channel、影視、名家和巿集,是您的法律良師益友。 各類法律常識:樓宇物業、刑事辯護、遺囑遺產、工傷索償、交通傷亡、離婚、破產、結婚、改名改姓、司法覆核、知識產權、商業、僱傭

  7. 香港法律制度的基本知識. 1. 香港法律由甚麼組成?. 2. 基本法對香港之法律制度有甚麼影響?. 3. 普通法和衡平法如何於香港法律制度下運作?. 4. 除基本法、普通法和衡平法外,香港法律制度還包含那些法律?.