雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. On June 16, 2023, the world's largest indoor Harry Potter attraction, officially named Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo – The Making of Harry Potter, opened, allowing fans to explore Harry Potter's magical world in the country's capital.

    • All Aboard
    • Step Into Harry’s World
    • Fantastic Food and Magical Souvenirs

    Travel via Ikebukuro Station to see the special platforms inspired by King’s Cross station in London, and arrive at Toshimaen Station, which is being renovated to look like Hogsmeade train station. Note that tickets for Warner Bros. Studio Tour Tokyo must be purchased in advance on the official website. Handheld digital guides are also available fo...

    Opening on the former site of the Toshimaen amusement park in Nerima City, this is the first Warner Bros. Studio Tour in Asia. Draw back the curtain and go behind the scenes of this world-famous literary and movie sensation. You can visit iconic sets including the Great Hall, Dumbledore’s office, and the Gryffindor Common Room. Board the Hogwarts E...

    There are plenty of food and drink options available, and as you might imagine, they come with a Harry Potter twist. Visit the Chocolate Frog Café before or after your visit. In the Food Hall, you can sample traditional British dishes such as fish and chips, roast beef and English breakfast. If you need a break during your tour, try some refreshing...

  2. 2021年2月25日 · 日本服飾品牌 / 東京旅遊官方網站GO TOKYO. 旅遊指南攻略. 日本服飾品牌. 值得您擁有的限量單品. Updated: February 25, 2021. 值得您擁有的限量單品. 東京時尚界以冒險精神與豐富多變聞名,從世界各地進口的商品種類繁多,讓人難以選擇。 不過,日本製的服飾又有什麼特色呢? 如果想找日本製的服裝,沒有比東京更適合的地方。 這裡能買到日本國內設計製造的時髦服飾、鞋履、包包等,不僅品質有保證,不受時代侷限的風格與優質的著裝感受更是備受好評。 此外,服飾店員講究細節的穿搭也很值得參考。 在此為您介紹的幾個品牌,其商品大多都數量稀少且不容易在別處找到。 日本製的服飾既耐穿又風格獨特,一定會是特別的伴手禮。 旅遊指南.

    • porter japan official website吉田1
    • porter japan official website吉田2
    • porter japan official website吉田3
    • porter japan official website吉田4
    • porter japan official website吉田5
  3. 2021年2月25日 · Explore Tokyo, and you'll find plenty of stores selling fashionable clothing, shoes, and bags that were designed and made in Japan. These products are characterized by an uncompromising commitment to quality.

    • porter japan official website吉田1
    • porter japan official website吉田2
    • porter japan official website吉田3
    • porter japan official website吉田4
  4. Explore Tokyo. All you need to know about Tokyo's tourist attractions, events, hotels, transportations & more from the official travel guide of Tokyo for visitors.

  5. 柳澤吉保是當時日本第五代將軍德川綱吉的親信他奉將軍之命建造了這座庭園。 這座庭園佈滿了紀州和歌之浦的景觀與和歌中提到的名勝,以及中國古典景觀88處。 這些景點都使用石柱來標示,目前僅存32處。 六義園位處東京北部文京區的住宅區。 附近還有上野公園、根津神社、小石川後樂園,以及東京大學的小石川植物園等觀光景點。 如果您規劃在秋天或春天來訪,不妨考慮花一整天遍覽這些四季都值得一看的觀光景點。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 網站. 東京北部. 巢鴨. 公園・庭園. 點燈. 9:00~17:00. 週一週二週三週四週五週六週日國定假日. ※依季節或時期而有所變動. ※最後入場時間為營業結束前30分鐘. 公休日: 新年假期. 12月29日~1月1日. 一般費用:300日圓.

  6. 2018年4月2日 · It also happens to be Tokyo's retro hub and is packed to the brim with vintage shops. You can find shops that specialize in petticoats, pencil skirts from the 60s and men’s flannel shirts from a bygone era. Head down to Chart, and see their incredible collection necktie and men’s wear. Kirakuya has vintage kimono and yukata on offer, and ...