雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年12月30日 · 馬鈴薯餃子Potato Dumpling. Beth. 650 食譜 2,137 粉絲. 132 說讚 一起做. 這是德國常見的料理,常用來搭配烤肉,吸收肉汁,口感Q軟,有馬鈴薯自然的香味。 #家常食材. #根莖類. #馬鈴薯. 份量. 2 人份. 時間. 45 分鐘. 食材. 中大型馬鈴薯. 1顆. 中筋麵粉. 100-120克. 雞蛋. 1顆. 小餐包. 1個. 橄欖油. 1大匙. 鹽. 1小匙. 馬鈴薯 去皮,切小塊放入滾水中煮15分鐘,瀝乾水分,用叉子壓成薯泥; 加入雞蛋、麵粉拌勻至無粉粒狀 (麵粉要逐量添加,至不黏手成團即可)。 均分成6等分. 將小餐包切碎,用 橄欖 油炒香,當做內餡. 將 馬鈴薯 麵糰滾圓,用手掌輕輕壓扁,包入麵包碎末.

  2. 愛料理精選5篇簡易食譜做法與步驟,有最新的翠玉水餃Jade dumpling馬鈴薯餃子Potato Dumpling豬肉餃子 Dumpling、紫蘇蕃茄餃子 Dumpling。 以及馬鈴薯餃子等相關料理做法。

  3. 2016年6月7日 · 紫薯冰糭 (Sweet Purple Potato Ice Dumpling) 又又到端午節喇,雖然我好鐘意食傳統的糉,但又糯米又咸蛋又肥豬肉,實在太高卡路里了,不且吃得多!. 如果想自家糭特別啲,要試下 嘅紫薯冰糭. 有別於傳統的咸肉糉,呢款冰糉,配上軟滑的紫薯, 食多幾隻都 ...

  4. 基絲汀@簡易食譜. 準備時間: 20 分鐘. 烹調時間: 50 分鐘. 分量: 40隻. 餡料材料: 豬肉碎 150克. 蝦米(泡水浸軟切粒) 10克. 冬菇(泡水浸軟切粒) 15克. 甜菜脯(泡稀鹽水切粒)15克. 沙葛(去皮切粒) 125克. 韭菜(切碎) 75克. 芫荽(切碎) 1棵. 花生(烘香,包餡料時才加入) 30克. 醃料: 生抽(醬油)½ 茶匙. 糖 ½ 茶匙. 粟粉(玉米粉)¼ 茶匙. 雞粉 ¼ 茶匙. 鹽 ⅛ 茶匙. 水 2茶匙. 胡椒粉 少許. 麻油 少許. 汁料: 鹽 ¼ 茶匙. 糖 ½ 茶匙. 蠔油 1茶匙. 胡椒粉 少許. 水 80 毫升. 生粉水:

  5. 2023年12月24日 · These filling, pillowy potato dumplings are one of Germany's best loved comfort foods and are wonderfully easy to make. About This German Potato Dumplings Recipe - Kartoffelknödel Dumplings are a favorite in German cuisine and are lovingly served with soups, stews, tender braises and roasts (along with plentiful gravy).

  6. 2023年10月26日 · Made from cooked riced potatoes, eggs, potato starch, and salt and formed into balls that are gently boiled, these dumplings are soft and tender and make the perfect accompaniment to your meat-and-gravy dishes or vegetarian sauce-based dishes.

  7. 2021年8月15日 · Czech potato dumplings are a side dish made from shredded potatoes cooked with the skin on. The potato dough is formed into a cylinder about 2 1/2 inches in diameter and boiled whole in lightly salted water. Roasted duck served with potato dumplings and sauerkraut.

  8. 2022年2月9日 · Jump to Recipe. Polish potato dumplings contain just 4 ingredients and are incredibly simple to make. They transform ordinary mashed potatoes into a truly delicious dish, perfect on its own or as a side dish with meat-based or vegetarian stews.

  9. 2020年3月18日 · Homemade Potato Dumplings (or potato balls as my Grandma called them) are a perfect comfort food side dish for almost any meat. They are easy to make and are also a great way to use up leftover mashed potatoes.

  10. This recipe for homemade potato dumplings is easy to make, and few side dishes or main entrées say comfort any louder than delicious potato dumplings made from scratch. We love serving these with almost any meat dish like our simple Swiss steak , classic beef bourguignon , veal marsala , or braised beef .