雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Mock Paper 1. 模擬試卷(一) Time allowed for the test: 50 minutes. 測驗時間:50分鐘. Instructions: 1. This test contains two sections: Section A: Questions 1 – 30 Seciton B: Questions 31 – 37. 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 4. Write your name, class and class number on the answer sheet. 5.

  2. HONG KONG ATTAINMENT TEST Pre-Secondary 1 香港學科測驗中一入學前 Mathematics 數學 Mock Paper (With Strategic Skills) 模擬試卷(攻略篇) 題號 學習重點 年級 範疇 1 多位數 5 上 數 2 乘法 4 上 3 除法 4 上 4 四則混合計算 4 下 5 倍數和因數 4 上 6

  3. 香港學科測驗. Pre-Secondary 1 Mathematics. 中一入學前數學科. Mock Paper 2. 模擬試卷(二) Name. 姓名: Answer Sheet 答題紙. (English) (中文) Class No. 班別: 班號: Section A (60 marks) You only need to write down the letter preceding the selected answer. (2 marks each) 前的英文. 突破HKAT(Pre-S1)── 躍思數學模擬試卷 • 六年級. 躍思教育出版社. Section B (40 marks)

  4. › twtapsweb › s_noteMathematics

    Mock Paper 1 2 Time allowed for the test: 50 minutes 測驗時間:50分鐘 Instructions: 1. This test contains two sections: Section A: Questions 1-30 Section B: Questions 31-37 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. Write your answers on the answer sheet. 4. Write 5.

  5. 突破HKATPre-S1躍思數學模擬試卷 • 五年級 © 躍思教育出版社 五年級全學年 Hong Kong Attainment Test 香港學科測驗 (Pre-Secondary 1 中一入學前) Mathematics 數學 樣本 ﹔

  6. 突破HKAT(Pre-S1) 躍思數學模擬試卷 • 六年級 © 躍思教育出版社 *餘下時間用作試卷覆核 樣本

  7. www.cpcps.edu.hk › internal_castle › attachmentwww.cpcps.edu.hk

    Write your answers on the answer sheet. Write your Name, Class and Class Number on the answer sheet. You may do your rough work in the blank space of this test booklet and there is no need to rub it out after the test. You can use a pencil or a black/blue ball pen to answer the questions.