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    • 1. 【文】現在分詞

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  2. Formed from a verb, a present participle is a word used as an adjective or for verb tense. All present participles end '-ing.' In 'boiling water' and 'the water is boiling,' boiling is a present participle.

  3. 2023年1月1日 · 究竟什麼是present participle? 什麼情況下會用present participle? 在continuous tense 底下用只是其中一個用法! 小編為大家整理了Present Participle的用法,並附上大量例子,第二個用法是非常實用的! Past Participle 意思. Present Participle 可能大家會比較陌生,不過如果是-ing大家就一定會知道。 大家都會聯想到以前學tenses時,continuous tense要加-ing。 其實Present Participle 用法不局限於. Past Participle 用法. Continuous Tenses. Present Participle Phrase.

  4. 2022年12月9日 · A present participle is a word derived from a verb that can be used as an adjective and to form the continuous verb tenses. It is one of two types of participles, along with past participles. The present participles of both regular and irregular verbs end in “-ing” (e.g.,

  5. 2022年7月1日 · There are two types of participles: present participles and past participles. The present participle is used for the continuous tenses, and the past participle is used for the perfect tenses. Both can be used as adjectives.

  6. 👉🏻「過去分詞」或稱為 p.p. (past participle),就是動詞三態表裡面的第三個,最常見的就是「動詞 +ed」。 除此之外,過去分詞也有其他不規則的形式,像是「eat / ate / eaten 」、「make / made / made 」,它們的過去分詞就是不規則的變化。

  7. There are two types of participles in English; present participles (boring, doing, eating …) and past participles (bored, done, eaten …). These can be combined to form perfect participles (having done, having said …) , which are used in participial phrases .

  8. What is the present participle and how is it used (explanation)? The present participle (sometimes also called ing-participle ) or simply ing-form can be used in different ways. It is not limited to a specific word category!

  9. a form of a verb that in English ends in -ing and comes after another verb to show continuous action. It is used to form the present continuous. 現在分詞. In the sentences "The children are watching television ", "The weather is getting colder ", and "I heard him singing ", "watching", "getting", and "singing" are present participles.

  10. Participle clauses enable us to say information in a more economical way. They are formed using present participles (going, reading, seeing, walking, etc.), past participles (gone, read, seen, walked, etc.) or perfect participles (having gone, having read, , , etc.).

  11. Present Participles: Quick Summary A present participle is a verb form in which you add “–ingto the infinitive. Present participles are used in the progressive (continuous) tenses, but can also function as adjectives. My baby brother was crying all morning. The

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