雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 布偶貓 (Ragdoll)是 家貓 的 一個品種 ,擁有柔軟而修長的毛,需要經常梳理、清洗以防止打結 [1] 。 這個品種由美國人安·貝克(Ann Baker)在1960年代培育出來,因性子溫順、抱起來就好像柔軟的布偶一般而得名 [2] 。 它在原產地美國和英國頗為常見,因為溫順且特別粘人而又在當地得名dog-like cats(狗一樣的貓)、Puppy cats或puppy-like cats(小狗一樣的貓) [3] 。 暹羅貓 和布偶貓的出生存活率在各種家貓裡面是最低的,壽命在15-25年之間 [4] 。 40%的布偶貓都是近親交配的產物 [5] 。 歷史. [ 編輯]

  2. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › RagdollRagdoll - Wikipedia

    The Ragdoll is a breed of cat with a distinct colorpoint coat and blue eyes. Its morphology is large and weighty, and it has a semi-long and silky soft coat. American breeder Ann Baker developed Ragdolls in the 1960s. They are best known for their docile, placid temperament and affectionate nature.

  3. Ragdoll cats have a well-earned reputation for displaying dog-like behavior while offering the easy care that comes with choosing a cat as a family pet. Just in case you think you might miss walking a dog, rest easy. Many Ragdoll cats learn to walk on a harness

  4. 2023年11月7日 · The ragdoll is a large, affectionate cat that goes with the flow. Ragdolls are ideal lap cats because they simply go limp with pleasure when they are being petted, giving them their name. This cat breed is one of the largest but don’t let the size intimidate you.

  5. 布偶貓 (Ragdoll)是 家貓 的 一個品種 ,擁有柔軟而修長的毛,需要經常梳理、清洗以防止打結 [1] 。 這個品種由美國人安·貝克(Ann Baker)在1960年代培育出來,因性子溫順、抱起來就好像柔軟的布偶一般而得名 [2] 。 它在原產地美國和英國頗為常見,因為溫順且特別粘人而又在當地得名dog-like cats(狗一樣的貓)、Puppy cats或puppy-like cats(小狗一樣的貓) [3] 。 暹羅貓 和布偶貓的出生存活率在各種家貓裡面是最低的,壽命在15-25年之間 [4] 。 40%的布偶貓都是近親交配的產物 [5] 。 历史.

  6. 2024年7月6日 · 近幾年台灣刮起了一陣布偶貓旋風, 「海豹雙色」、「藍色」、「重點色」、「山貓色」 等各種花色讓人目不暇給。. 而 布偶貓 (Ragdoll) ,貓如其名般像個大型娃娃,外表夢幻又帶著可愛,擁有完美的身材比例,又是眾所皆知的超友善個性。. 抱著布偶貓看著 ...

  7. CFA, TICA Ragdoll Cattery in Hong Kong,註冊香港布偶貓舍, Professioal Breeder in breeding healthy championship bloodline,專門繁育健康及冠軍血統的優質布偶貓.

  8. The Ragdoll cat breed is renowned for its striking appearance, docile temperament, and captivating blue eyes. Originating in the 1960s in California, Ragdolls are characterized by their large size, semi-longhair coat with color-point patterns, and a silky texture.

  9. 2023年4月17日 · Ragdoll cats are one of the largest domestic breeds of cat. Their size is a notable feature of these beautiful animals. They are big, powerfully built, and heavy, cats, with the largest Ragdoll cat, perhaps weighing up to 25 pounds. Your Ragdoll cat weighs10 to 20

  10. 2023年10月27日 · Ragdoll cats, true to their name, are known for their relaxed and “ragdoll-like” behaviour when picked up. This breed has a laid-back demeanor with a great disposition. With their people-oriented personality and affectionate nature, Ragdolls are a family favourite and keep Ragdoll aficionados coming back for more.

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