雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月17日 · Rectal cancer is a kind of cancer that starts as a growth of cells in the rectum. The rectum is the last several inches of the large intestine. It starts at the end of the final segment of the colon and ends when it reaches the short, narrow passage known as the anus.

  2. 大腸癌是香港第二位最常見的癌症。 在2021年,大腸癌新症共有5 899宗,佔本港癌症新症總數的15.3%。 當中,男性有3 427宗,而女性則有2 472宗。 在2021年,每十萬香港人口中即有80宗新增大腸癌個案。 男性和女性的發病年齡中位數分別為68歲及68歲。 特定年齡組別發病率自50歲起顯著上升。 大腸癌新症以男性居多,於2021年男女新症比例約為1.4比1。 大腸癌在本港致命癌症中排第二位。 在2021年,大腸癌導致2 298人死亡,佔癌症死亡總數15.2%。 如果及早發現並接受治療,很多大腸癌個案都可以根治。 整體患者的五年相對存活率為58.2%,當中第一期及第二期患者的五年相對存活率甚高,分別為95.7%及87.3%。

  3. 2024年2月5日 · Rectal cancer typically is a slow-growing cancer that forms on the inner lining of your rectum. Your rectum is the last several inches of your large intestine. Most rectal cancers start as clumps of abnormal cells (polyps) known as adenomas. It can take 10 to 15

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  5. 主頁 | 大腸癌篩查計劃. 正在使用政府資助計劃例如長者醫療券計劃大腸癌篩查計劃和普通科門診公私營協作計劃的市民應留意自己的醫生是否已經載列於指南》,於二零二三年十二月六日尚未載列於指南的醫生將停止參加政府資助計劃不能繼續接受使用資助例如醫療券大腸癌篩查和門診協作。 想知道您的醫生是否已載列於《指南》,請 按此 獲取有關資訊。

  6. 2017年2月5日 · Treatment for rectal cancer is based mainly on the stage (extent) of the cancer, but other factors can also be important. On this page. [ show] People with rectal cancers that have not spread to distant sites are usually treated with surgery. Treatment with radiation and chemotherapy (chemo) may also be given before or after surgery.

  7. 我們常說的大腸癌或大腸直腸癌其實是一種統稱,一般醫學上稱為結腸直腸癌(Colorectal Cancer),因為其實大腸癌泛指結腸癌(Colon Cancer)與直腸癌(Rectal Cancer)2種,但因為直腸癌與結腸癌有許多共同特徵,所以才習慣統稱為大腸癌。

  8. 2024年4月26日 · Key Points. Rectal cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the tissues of the rectum. Health history affects the risk of developing rectal cancer. Signs of rectal cancer include blood in the stool or a change in bowel habits. Tests that examine the rectum and colon are used to diagnose rectal cancer.

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