雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港紅十字會帶動社會上不同的群體及人士,為實踐人道理念而行動和發聲。 我們力求世上人人都能尊重及保護人的生命和尊嚴,並能自願地以一視同仁的態度施以援手,改善弱勢社群的境況。 新聞稿. 香港紅十字會「世界紅十字日」系列活動開幕典禮. 星級推廣大使森美及鄧麗欣現身支持 與大眾一同學習人道知識. 最新消息及活動. 新聞稿. 查看更多. 我們的工作. 拯救生命. 緊急救援及備災. 詳細. 助人自助. 社區健康及教育. 詳細. 開拓視野. 人道參與及教育. 詳細. 啟發潛能. 特殊教育及復康. 詳細. 如何支持. 送上希望. 贊助. 服務社群. 申請. 熱心熱忱. 預約.

  2. 香港紅十字會 - 關於我們

  3. The Hong Kong Red Cross leads and mobilizes different parties in the community to live out humanity by actions and voices. We strive for a world in which people respect and protect human life and dignity, and where people are ready to offer impartial and voluntary aid to help improve the lives of vulnerable people.

  4. Volunteer Login Volunteer Login Activate Online Account Join Volunteer Team

  5. 急救證書及急救證書重温課程. 心肺復蘇及去顫法相關課程. 僱員再培訓局相關課程. 其他急救課程. 講座及工作坊. 家庭及親子系列. 其他課程. 急救訓練.

  6. Hong Kong Red Cross - About Us 繁體中文 English Text size A A A Menu 繁體中文 English Text size A A A close Enter search keywords Search You are here Home > About Us About Us ...

  7. forc.redcross.org.hk › en › ContentsHong Kong Red Cross

    The Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC) was established in 1950 as a branch of the British Red Cross Society in Hong Kong, by the Director of Medical and Health Department appointed by the Governor of Hong Kong. It provided tracing services, refugee assistance and serving the military hospital.

  8. The Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC, Chinese: 香港紅十字會) is the national Red Cross society of Hong Kong as part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Its head office is in West Kowloon. It was established officially on 12 July 1950 as a

  9. Red Square捐款機構廣受普羅大眾推薦,捐款機構與香港紅十字會的使命、價值觀及基本原則並肩。. 來自香港網上捐款平台的款項不單為弱勢社群提供救援服務,亦著力提升社區發展工作,於落後社區興建基建項目,以完善衛生設備及醫療體制;我們亦於災區加設 ...

  10. web.redcross.org.hk › DM › enews_currentHong Kong Red Cross

    The HKRC raised over HK$620,000 in July and August. During the appeal period, we also organized “Green Market”, “Disaster Around You” – a social simulation game, various activities and workshops etc. Sincere thanks for the generous donations and support! The funds will be used on humanitarian actions related to climate disasters.

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