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  1. 2020年1月16日 · Reading a well written report is pleasurable: the style is accurate, fluent and concise, with headings to indicate the content of each section. The diagrams, which in this Guide will be taken to include non-verbal material such as tables

  2. Reports are formal documents, but that doesn’t mean you have to use overly complex words or grammar. Use simple words that you’d use in everyday conversation to get your meaning across, e.g. ‘send’ rather than ‘dispatch’ and ‘finish’ rather than ‘draw to a conclusion’.

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  3. As a practicing engineer, you will need to write reports, proposals, scientific papers, and electronic messages. Writing is perhaps the most important way in which you will convey your ideas to managers, other engineers, and customers. Your communication

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    • Dr. Bob Wheway
    • 1.1 Title Page
    • Name of School
    • As per Section 1.5. All tables should be identified with a table number above the table along with a brief title for the table.
    • 1.7 Nomenclature (optional)
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 Main Sections
    • 2.3 Conclusion(s)
    • 2.4 Recommendations
    • 2.5 References
    • 3 Writing Styles and Presentation

    Honorary Principal Fellow, Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong.

    This front page should contain the following information (in centred format)

    Name of Department (if applicable) Name of Subject Name of Project Name(s) of Student(s) Name of Teacher An example of a title page is given in Appendix A.

    The table below is an example of the above identification process.

    Where symbols are used extensively, a list of symbols and definitions should appear at the beginning of the report. If there is a list, symbols should be defined in the text when first used. SI units should be used for all units of measurement (e.g. m, s, kg, – ms ).

    This important section gives the reader the necessary background information . Depending on the type of project/report, the Introduction can include: statement of the problem(s) and description of the main aim(s) and objective(s); review of previous work/research (using proper referencing) and relationship to the current project; additional explan...

    The main sections expand and develop the material in a logical and coherent manner, reflecting the structure outlined in the Introduction. Research type projects/reports can include: theory/modelling; methods and materials used; results/comparisons with theory and/or previous work; and discussion and analysis of material. Feasibility type project...

    The Conclusion(s) of a report must be related to, and resulting from, the material which appears in the report. The Conclusion(s) must NOT introduce new material. An example of Conclusions is given in Appendix C.

    If required, Recommendations should emerge from the Conclusion(s) of the report.

    All references to other authors or text cited during the report must be listed in this section. One of the main types of referencing should be used: numbered reference list; or alphabetical reference list. An example of numbered referencing is given below. The degree of corrosion protection offered by each different coating depends on many factor...

    Report writing styles sometimes differ according to the purpose of the report and the requirements of a particular school, employer or publisher. Most, however, will require a formal style of writing, so “third person” and “passive voice” should be used. What is meant by “person” in this context? First person – the speaker Second person – the pers...

    An Example of a Title Page Department of Materials Engineering University of Wollongong CORROSION PERFORMANCE OF METALLIC COATED STEEL IN

    ♦ Various metallic coated steel products produced by SCPD were successfully exposed to several service environments and simulated laboratory tests, from which the relative corrosion performance of each material was assessed. ♦ It was found that each material behaved differently in the various environments, with not one material suitable for all the...

  4. development of communication and report writing skills in engineering programs. Some advice often given to students by engineers in senior management roles is the necessity for good communication skills. The sooner a student realises the importance to

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  5. 其他人也問了

  6. procomm.ieee.org › written-reports › write-effective-reportsWrite Effective Reports | IEEE

    Write Effective Reports | IEEE. As a professional engineer, you have myriad experiences solving problems. Your reports, both formal and informal, help your client, supervisor, or other stakeholders make actionable decisions about those problems.

  7. An engineering report is a key form of written communication that is a direct reflection of the engineers knowledge of a particular subject. A well written. ’. report cannot cover up poor engineering; however, a poorly written report can be detrimental to otherwise excellent engineering work.