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  1. 2022年9月24日 · The introduction to a research paper is where you set up your topic and approach for the reader. It has several key goals: Present your topic and get the reader interested

  2. 2023年7月20日 · The introduction for a research paper is where you set up your topic and approach for the reader. It has several key goals: Present your research topic. Capture reader interest. Summarize existing research. Position your own approach.

  3. 2024年3月26日 · Research paper introduction is the first section of a research paper that provides an overview of the study, its purpose, and the research question(s) or hypothesis(es) being investigated. It typically includes background information about the topic, a review of previous research in the field, and a statement of the research objectives.

  4. 在写Introduction时需要注意的几点是: 1. 在阐明工作创新点的时候,要紧紧围绕过去研究的缺陷性来描述,清晰而完整地描述自己的解决思路。 2. 在提出自己观点的时候,通常需要介绍到别人工作。 而这里需要客观公正地评价别人的工作。 千万不要把抬高自己研究的价值建立在贬低别人的工作之上,这是SCI论文的写作中最忌讳的,也是最容易犯的错误。 3. 要注意文章的论点不要太大太广,只需要抓住其中一个点来深入阐述即可。 论述的面太广会让审稿人找不到重点,从而文章的重点就不够突出,每个问题的阐释也很难全面。 事实上一个可以清楚地解决目前研究中任何一个问题的工作,就是一篇极好的SCI论文。 02丨文献实例解析.

  5. 2023年6月30日 · A research paper introduction is an essential part of academic writing that explains the paper’s main topic and prepares the reader for the rest of the paper. After reading the introduction, the reader should know what the paper is about, what point it’s trying to make, and why it matters.

  6. 2023年11月22日 · The introduction of your research paper sets the tone for your research and provides the context for your study. In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective introduction that grabs the reader's attention and captures the essence of your research paper.

  7. 2024年1月20日 · Start for free today, add your research, and get to key insights faster. Quickly find patterns and themes across all your data when you analyze it in Dovetail. Learn to craft a compelling introduction for your research paper with our expert tips. Discover how to engage readers and set the stage for your study.