雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年8月11日 · Sample 1. (Date) Dear (Recipient’s name), I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as (Sales Manager ) for the (Office Daily Company), effective (1 June 2020). Thank you for the support and the opportunities that you have provided me during the (last three years).

  2. 2021年12月9日 · 在資訊發達的今天,辭職信 (Resignation Letter) 依然是必須的,因為它具有法律效力,足以保障僱員的權利;根據勞工處的僱傭條例,僱員過了試用期後離開公司,必須給僱主 1 個月通知,否則則需支付代通知金,而辭職信就是證明僱員提出離職通知的證據。. 不過 ...

  3. 2023年12月23日 · Here is a compilation of formal resignation letter templates to ease the pressure off you when writing your professional resignation letter. Using these examples of resignation letters, you can edit and personalise, where relevant, your situation.

  4. 2023年4月17日 · 辭職信英文範本(Resignation Letter Sample) 以下為英文辭職信的參考範本: [Date] Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date].

  5. 2022年5月31日 · 香港,大部份公司都接納英文辭職信(English Resignation Letter Sample )作為員工的正式離職通知。 如何在遞辭職信時仍保持專業形象? 最起碼要交一封合符格式、又寫得清晰的辭職信。

  6. 撰寫一封好的離職信及辭職信 ( Resignation Letter)可以保障你的權利。 本文將提供離職信及辭職信 ( Resignation Letter)中文及英文格式範例 (Template Sample)。 並附上中、英文格式範本讓你參考。

  7. 2024年2月12日 · Resignation letters are formal documents that prove that you left your old employer properly. By writing a courteous and professional letter, you are informing the company beforehand about your plan to move, which allows their human resource team to adjust appropriately and organise their teams as they prepare for your replacement.

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