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  1. The Roman alphabet is also the basic alphabet used to write Western calligraphy in many languages. So it is quite important :-) Roman letters reach all round the globe. Who uses this particular alphabet to write their mother-tongue?

  2. 2021年9月24日 · Calligraphy,一种或许可以大概理解为「西文书法」的艺术。 但是,有经验的学习者一般会避免「书法」这个词,因为 calligraphy 和我们所熟知的汉字书法实在有太大的区别。 把「书法」这个名字强加于它,会导致大量的误会和刻板印象。 本文主要介绍拉丁字母的 calligraphy。 一般来说,这主要指的是,出于审美的目的,用特定的工具来书写拉丁字母。 字母间距、词间距、行间距等也都是 calligraphy 需要考虑的问题。 有时,calligraphy 还包括在纸上制作精美的花纹和复杂的图案,甚至包括版面设计,但本文的介绍将着重于字母的书写。 事实上,我们平时所说的中文书法完全可以称作 calligraphy

    • What Are The Origins of Calligraphy and Writing?
    • Antiquity – The Roman Empire
    • The Post-Roman Era
    • The Early Middle Ages
    • The Middle Ages – Gothic Period
    • The Renaissance Era
    • The Baroque Era
    • The Spencerian Script
    • The Modern Era
    • The Foundational Hand

    The word calligraphy comes from the Greek Kallos and Graaphien, meaning beautiful and writing. However, before calligraphy became known as an art form, it was just considered writing. Writing has been integral to human civilization, from recording thoughts and ideas to sharing information and preserving knowledge. Writing has played a major role in...

    The Latin alphabet dates back to around 700 BC, and the Roman Square Capitals emerged around the first century AD in Rome.

    The Uncial script

    Several hundred years later (second or third century AD), a new script developed influenced by the Greek alphabet. The Uncial script was one of the early alphabets used in Christian texts. Aside from its beauty, it was a more practical and speedily written script, ideal, for example – copying the Holy Bible or other manuscripts. Bold and curved strokes characterize it, and it took fewer strokes to complete a letterform compared to the Roman Capitals. In the Uncial script, we slowly start noti...

    As the Roman Empire spread across other European countries through the coming years, it eventually reached the northern parts of Europe, including England – bringing their language and the Roman alphabet. Over the following centuries, Western Europe entered the dark ages, followed by a decline of the Roman Empire.

    Following the post-Roman era, a new script developed in Northern Europe (12th century). The Gothic scripts are VERY popular today, practiced by many calligraphers – several different scripts (styles) developed throughout this period. The Gothic script grew out of Protogothic and Romanesque periods. Gothic had its influence from the Carolingian scri...

    As the year passed, the middle ages ended, and a new era arrived. An era of ‘’rebirth’’ for Western Europe and upcoming prosperity in major human activities, such as art, science, economy, etc. At the time, the gothic script that was developed in Northern Europe was the dominant script being used. However, that particular way of writing did not rea...

    After the period of Rennaisance, the Cancellaresca Corsiva provided the foundation for a new script to be developed. Fun fact – The word “cursive” is derived from the Medieval Latin word “cursivus,” which translates to “running.” Chancery cursive (Cancelleresca corsiva) hand. Papal Letter to Christian II of Denmark, 21 April 1518 (Royal Archives). ...

    This script originated in the United States and was developed in the 19th century by Platt Rogers Spencer. Platt Roger Spencer developed a style of penmanship that was used as a standard of writing for nearly a hundred years – up until the point the typewriting machine came along in the 20th century. What made this script so popular and influential...

    Although it seemed that machines had turned writing by hand obsolete, calligraphy took various directions, such as advertisement and demand in novelty for type design. We mark the modern era from the beginning of the 20th century with pioneers such as Edward Johnston and Rudolf Koch – also known as the fathers of modern calligraphy. Many new develo...

    This hand is set to be one of the most iconic alphabets in the whole realm of calligraphy alphabets due to its clearly defined characters. Edward Johnston devised it in the early twentieth century. The Foundational hand is an adaptation of the Carolingian script from the post-Roman era. According to Edward Johnston, the Foundational hand is the bes...

  3. Western calligraphy is the art of writing and penmanship as practiced in the Western world, especially using the Latin alphabet (but also including calligraphic use of the Cyrillic and Greek alphabets, as opposed to "Eastern" traditions such as Turko - Perso - Arabic, Chinese or Indian calligraphy).

  4. 2024年10月3日 · Calligraphy - Latin, Alphabet, Handwriting: To understand the development of modern Western calligraphy it is important to survey historical writing styles—some of which profoundly influenced subsequent work—as well as how the materials of writing have been

    • roman calligraphy1
    • roman calligraphy2
    • roman calligraphy3
    • roman calligraphy4
    • roman calligraphy5
  5. Old Roman cursive, also called majuscule cursive and capitalis cursive, was the everyday form of handwriting used for writing letters, by merchants writing business accounts, by schoolchildren learning the Latin alphabet, and even by emperors issuing commands.

  6. Free lessons "Introduction to Roman Calligraphy"Check out my handmade pen holders: https://huyhoangdao.com/store/penholderMy ebooks: https://huyhoangdao.com/...

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