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    位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.


  1. 道爾頓濾芯由天然無毒物料製作,過濾程序安全可靠,100% 英國製造,部份更獲得NSF42,53認證。 專售各款濾水器,可過濾泥沙、鐵鏽、氯氣,有機污染物,重金屬鉛等,為各大家庭信心之選。

  2. A (delicate) heavyweight in the world of fine tableware, Royal Doulton has earned its reputation as an industry forerunner. Since founder Henry Doulton invested his life savings into the business in 1815, carefully considered designs and exceptional craftsmanship

  3. 即於友和選購Doulton 道爾頓產品,查看價格、優惠及規格,齊全Doulton 道爾頓濾水器、濾芯配件、花灑型號及評價!

  4. 立即在Goxip香港購買一系列 Royal Doulton 的美妝用品,有過千款選擇!

  5. Join the waitlist for Lane Crawford's Not An Advent Calendar (worth over HK$17,000) now! Enjoy 10% off upon purchase of HK$2,000 on Fashion and Home & Lifestyle items. T&C. . Receive a one-of-a-kind PITTI UOMO x LC Tote Bag upon purchase of HK$2,000 on selected menswear brands.

  6. Bring joy to mealtimes with Selfridges' timeless Royal Doulton home collection. Synonymous with heritage and quality, Royal Doulton was established in 1815 and is one of the oldest surviving fine china makers in Europe.

  7. Shop and buy over 9 of Doulton products, check and compare latest models, prices at FORTRESS. Enjoy extra special offers, fast delivery.

  1. royal doulton hong kong 相關

  2. Enjoy Sets Dinnerware of Temu's best price, superior quality & full range of services. Browse thousands of brands and find deals on Sets Dinnerware at Temu®, Shop Now.

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