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  1. Doulton英國道爾頓 | 官方唯一授權香港經銷商. 由2023年6月1日起,登記成EShop會員享全店9折及最高5%購物金回贈|Register as EShop member to enjoy 10% discount storewide and receive up to 5% E-cash rebate starting from 1, Jun, 2023.

  2. 即於友和選購Doulton 道爾頓產品,查看價格、優惠及規格,齊全Doulton 道爾頓濾水器、濾芯配件、花灑型號及評價!

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  4. Doulton® has hundreds of years of experience providing families with clean, healthy drinking water in their homes since its beginnings in 1826. Using natural ceramic home water filters that improve the look, smell and taste of tap water, Doulton® filters remove contaminants while retaining the healthy minerals.

  5. Backed by over 190 years of expertise, our advanced ceramic filters, pioneered by Doulton® and British Berkefeld®, address waterborne parasites, heavy metals, poor taste, and odors. Recent incidents like the Cryptosporidium outbreak in Devon emphasise the importance of proactive water safety measures.

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  6. 2019年7月30日 · 過去20年,道爾頓 ® ( Doulton ®)已成為懂行的香港消費者的首選淨水器。 憑藉新的全球企業形象、更新的產品系列以及全新的創新,包括未來數月內即將推出的便攜式過濾瓶,道爾頓很自豪地邀請新老客戶「探索道爾頓的不同之處」(Discover the Doulton Difference ®)。

  7. 網上購買超過9件Doulton產品, 瀏覽及比較不同型號, 價錢, 規格。 FORTRESS 豐澤為你提供最新Doulton的型號產品, 額外購買優惠, 快捷送貨服務, 貼心客戶服務, 安全購物。

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