雅虎香港 搜尋


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    IPA [ˈsetl]

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 飛落; 落下 it's snowing quite hard, but it's not settling 雪下得很大,但並未在地面上堆積起來
    • 2. 沉降 the contents of the packet may have settled in transit 包裹裡的東西可能在運輸途中搖晃密實了

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 安放; 安頓 to settle an invalid or get an invalid settled for the night 讓病人安然過夜
    • 2. 使…沉降


  2. 內容. SETTLE翻譯:同意, 確定;決定;解決,結束(爭端等), 安排, 使舒適, (使)(舒舒服服地)坐下;安頓下來, 生活, (尤指永久地)定居,安家, (尤指從別國)移居殖民地;殖民, 下降, 降落;沈降, 支付…。. 了解更多。.

  3. SETTLE翻译:同意, 确定;决定;解决,结束(争端等), 安排, 使舒适, (使)(舒舒服服地)坐下;安顿下来, 生活, (尤指永久性地)定居,安家, (尤指从别国)移居殖民地;殖民, 下降, 降落;沉降…。. 了解更多。.

  4. to reach a decision or an agreement about something, or to end a disagreement: Good, that's all settled - you send out the invitations for the party, and I'll organize the food. [ + question word ] They haven't yet settled when the wedding is going to be. "The tickets are €40 each."

  5. 1. settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground; "dust settled on the roofs" 2. bring to an end; settle conclusively; "The case was decided" "The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff" "The father adjudicated when the sons were quarreling over their

  6. settle是一個動詞。語意為定居、解決、安定、支付、定下。當不及物動詞時,常見片語為settle down / settle for / settle on。當及物動詞時,後面直接接受詞,如爭端、爭吵、問題、帳單等。settle的三態為:settle / settled / settled。

  7. 1. 安放;安頓;安排;料理 [O] He settled his child in a corner of the compartment. 他把孩子安頓在車廂的一個角落裡。. 2. 使(雜質)沉澱;使(液體)澄清. 3. 使(自己)安下心來;使(心情)平靜下來,使安寧 After the excitement I tried to settle myself....

  8. settle的意思解釋及翻譯:1. If you settle an argument, you stop the problem and stop arguing. 2. to start living somewhere…。了解更多。

  9. settle [sth] ⇒ vtr (claim: satisfy) (保险) SC Simplified Chinese 理赔 The insurance company settled all claims from the accident. settle [sth] vtr (debt: pay, liquidate) (账单、债务等) SC Simplified Chinese 支付, 付清 He settled his college debt by paying every

  10. 1. 飛落; 落下 it's snowing quite hard, but it's not settling 雪下得很大,但並未在地面上堆積起來 to settle on sth. 落在某物上. 2. 沉降 the contents of the packet may have settled in transit 包裹裡的東西可能在運輸途中搖晃密實了 the ship...

  11. settle中文的意思、翻譯及用法:vt. 解決;安排;使…定居n. 有背長椅vi. 解決;定居;沉淀;下陷n. (Settle)人名;(英)塞特爾。英漢詞典提供【settle】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

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