雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Sidcot is a co-ed independent school in Somerset, close to Bristol & Bath, delivering a well-rounded boarding school education to prepare for life after the classroom.

  2. Sidcot School 成立於 1699 是一所提供幼兒教育至中七(Year 13)課程的寄宿學校及日校。 校園位於 Somerset 郡郊區,距離城市 Bristol 約 40 分鐘車程。 著名校友包括荷蘭當代建築師 Aldo van Eyck、紀錄片製作人 Nick Broomfield 和成立英國最大慈善機構之一 Macmillan Cancer ...

  3. There are plenty of opportunities to visit Sidcot before applying - see the date of our next Open Day, or book a place on a personal tour of the school. Prospective pupils can also attend a taster day to experience what it’s like to be a Sidcot student before joining. Find out more about opportunities to visit Sidcot.

  4. Year 7. Reading. Writing - Content & Organisation. Writing - Technical Accuracy. Speaking & Listening.

  5. Sidcot School is a British co-educational private school for boarding and day pupils, associated with the Religious Society of Friends. It is one of seven Quaker schools in England. The school is based in the Mendip Hills near the village of Winscombe, Somerset and caters for children between the ages of 3 and 18.

  6. Sidcot School is a registered Charity (No 296491). Somerset prep and senior school. Sidcot School: a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England under number 2093340. Registered office: Winscombe, North Somerset, BS25 1PD. VAT no. 567627892 ...

  7. The Sidcot School Admissions Process. The 9 steps below outline the different stages you should go through when applying to Sidcot School. 1. Do Your Research. When you’re applying to independent schools, your journey should always begin with research.

  8. 2022年10月20日 · Sidcot School is a non-selective co-ed day and boarding Quaker all-through school for ages three to 18 years. As well as offering an education based on Quaker values, Sidcot is one of only a few schools in the UK to offer a choice of three pathways at sixth

  9. www.britannia-study.com › school › sidcot-schoolSidcot School - 英識教育

    位於英格蘭西南部 Somerset Sidcot School 是一所男女私校 Religious Society of Friends 有聯繫,是七所貴格會學校之一。 學校距離 Bristol 市中心僅 15 英里, Bristol 機場七英里,到 Bath 亦只需一小時車程,學校在 1699 年成立,為貴格會的男孩提供教育,並在 1808 年重開,開始招收女生,令該校成為英國其中一間歷史最悠久的男女寄宿學校。 該校的預科有很多中國學生,而全校有四分一人為國際生。 作為一所貴格會學校,Sidcot School 有着平等及和諧的價值,教師皆十分友善,其中一個反映出學校温暖氛圍的傳統就是靜默崇拜。 多個世紀以來,貴格會都有靜默崇拜會面,學校每週亦會舉辦一次。

  10. 在修讀一年制會考(One Year GCSE)課程期間,Sidcot School, ISC 會為國際學生提供一對一英語輔導班(EAL),學校會根據學生的英文水平調節課堂數量,確保學生能追上學習進度。

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