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  1. 2024年2月26日 · 商務 e-mail 與人道歉,不要只會 “Sorry”:這 4 個萬用英文句型,能讓對方感到滿滿誠意. 工作往來,難免會出一些錯,失誤或許是人之常情,但該怎麼成熟地道歉與彌補,卻需要後天學習。. 當你做了理虧的事情時,如果在商務 e-mail 裡直接寫 "Sorry for ...

  2. 2021年6月30日 · 相信很多人常常需要寫email處理客訴, 但每次都寫I’m very sorry或是已經寫到都詞窮了嗎? 🙈. 今天小編就要來教大家完全不提到sorry, 還是可以誠意滿滿的道歉 . 一起把這些實用的寫法學起來吧! - on behalf of 謹代表. 【例句】 I am writing on behalf of Xtech regarding your complaint about the system issue. 我謹代表Xtech就系統問題的客訴向您來信。 【解析】 代表某人或一個團隊來出席或致意,也都可以用on behalf of。 regarding是個介係詞,意思是「關於」, 所以後面加上的寫信事由,必須是個名詞。

  3. Examples of SINCERE APOLOGY in a sentence, how to use it. 18 examples: I must end my speech with a sincere apology. - Often, people would be happy with a timely and…

  4. I sincere hope that you can forgive me and give me another chance to start over again. I should take full responsibility for this matter; I regret saying something like that to hurt your feelings. Please accept my sincere apology and this gift and forgive me.

  5. 2022年7月5日 · 假如未來有可能會晚回,而你想要先為此致歉的話,你也可以用「I apologize (in advance)」。. I will be traveling next week with limited access to the internet, so I apologize in advance for any possible delays. 我下週去旅行可能不會一直有網路可用,所以我先為可能晚回覆你致上 ...

  6. 2022年5月3日 · 我們會在信末附上「期待您的回覆」、「感謝您的協助」等說法: 【正式語氣】 Thank you for your consideration. 感謝您的體貼。 I appreciate your assistance/help/support. (assistance比help正式) 感謝您的協助/幫忙/支持。 Please contact me at your earliest convenience. 請在您方便的時候聯繫我們。 Thank you for your time. 謝謝您的時間。 Thank you in advance for your prompt reply. (情況較緊急的時候用) 先提前謝謝您的即時回覆。 【中立語氣】

  7. 「we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused」意指「我們誠摯地為造成的任何不便道歉」。 這句話在商業信函、服務行業和日常交流中都非常常見。 此外,還有其他替代的表達方式和實際應用示例。

  8. 2024年5月20日 · What is a sincere apology? There are several key elements to a sincere apology. Giving an honest, heartfelt expression of regret can help ensure the person you're apologizing to feels genuinely heard and valued. Acknowledge the mistake: Stating what you did wrong shows you’ve taken the time to understand how your actions affected the other person.

  9. an act of saying that you are sorry for something wrong you have done. 道歉;認錯;謝罪. I have an apology to make to you - I'm afraid I opened your letter by mistake. 我必須向你道歉,我誤拆了你的信。 He's demanding a full apology from the newspaper for making untrue allegations about his personal life. 他要求這家報紙對關於他私生活的不實報導正式道歉。 "Was he at all sorry for what he'd done?"

  10. In this guide to apology emails, we explain why you should say sorry (and do it as soon as possible). We follow up with a breakdown of the apology email structure and provide 10 samples. Finally, we use our techniques to build a foolproof apology email template.

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