雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 雖然我對SNSD一D好感都無,甚至係吾LIKE佢地,但今次真係覺得jessica好慘...希望個男快d俾人捉住+懲治佢...

  2. 香港討論區 » 韓語樂壇討論 » SNSD Jessica 02/12中韓音樂會比人非禮? 查看完整版本 : SNSD Jessica 02/12中韓音樂會比人非禮? kaming2404 2010-12-10 07:10

  3. 真係唔明點解SME要否認呢件事,就算真係否認既話,最少都解釋下點解jessica會有d咁既表情同埋果個所謂"高層"究竟係到做緊咩!! 其實我覺得SME根本唔洗驚d咁既高層.老實講,[color=red]少時唔洗靠KBS,應該係KBS要靠佢地[/color] [/quote]

  4. 《LOVE ME THE SAME也是 Jessica 親自參與詞曲創作的作品,內容含有「隨著時間的流逝,就算不再華麗,你是否也會像現在一樣愛我」的意義。2016年6月1日,舉行了個人的粉絲見面會「Jessica Fan Meeting 2016 Asia Tour In Seoul」 [20]。

  5. However, fancams of the festival have recently surfaced on the Internet, and netizens were shocked to find footage of what appears to be a man inappropriately touching SNSD’s Jessica.

  6. 2014年10月3日 · Thus after tensions peaked, Jessica was cut by her label of fifteen years due to unmanageable time conflicts between Jessica’s private projects and her responsibilities to SNSD. SME reports that Jessica was informed, while Jessica clearly and adamantly states that she was ousted.

  7. Yet in the same breath complain about Jessica's erasure from SNSD content. So Jessica can do all the slander she like: insinuating her member slept with a chief officer illustrate her members as nasty bullies and just jealous of her blaming her members