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    IPA [ˈsəʊldʒə(r)]

    n 名詞

    • 1. 士兵; 氣勢洶洶 to play at soldiers 玩打仗遊戲

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 從軍
  2. Redwolf Luo . 航空话题下的优秀答主. “军人”比较准确的翻译是“military personnel”,或者也可以用“service member”;前者指“军事人员”,后者指“服役人员”。. 但需要注意的是,“service member”跟“Member of Service”不能混淆。. “Member of Service”一般特指“警察 ...

  3. 3 个回答. "Soldier on"是一个习语,意思是坚定不移地继续前进或坚持下去,即在面对困难或挑战时不放弃,继续努力。. 这个短语通常用于鼓励或支持他人,告诉他们要坚忍不拔,继续前行。. 例如:Even though things are tough, we need to soldier on and get through it.(尽管情况 ...

  4. 2010年6月7日 · Jun 7, 2010. #1. Hi, I'm wondering how to say this: 'He was a soldier's soldier'. which basically means that although he was their leader, he still looked out for them and cared about their well-being. It's hard to explain but I hope it makes sense. Ma tentative serait: le soldat des soldats. Merci d'avance.

  5. Soldier 11配置上依旧是前后Zoom Air,不过相较于Soldier X实在是有感太多。. 鞋底很明显可以看到前掌Zoom的痕迹,在第一次试穿的时候感受就颇为明显,后脚跟长方形Zoom也有很好的反馈,虽然稍微偏硬一点但是都非常够用。. 对于像我这种一般体重,奔跑多,弹跳 ...

  6. 2009年1月15日 · Columbia, SC. English - US. Jan 15, 2009. #2. I don't know whether it's a regionalism, but I don't see any problem with interpreting it literally. One definition of plume is: "material (as a feather, cluster of feathers, or a tuft of hair) worn as an ornament" (Merriam-Webster's) Therefore, "soldier-plumes" may refer to such material as part of ...

  7. 2014年11月2日 · USA English. Nov 2, 2014. #2. Not in the United States. "Soldiers" are members of the U.S. Army. Besides soldiers, we have sailors, Marines, airmen and Coast Guardsmen in the armed services. Moreover, we have servicemen and women and as such, "servicemen" is definitely NOT politically correct (if that's what you mean by "P.C.)

  8. 2008年11月3日 · USA, English. Nov 3, 2008. #1. Any idea of the equivalent in Spanish? This is the command for a soldier to stop saluting a superior. At ease, soldier! And - does this vary by country?

  9. 罗尔德·达尔的《The Soldier》表达了什么?. - 知乎. 罗尔德·达尔的《The Soldier》表达了什么?. 上学期英语短篇小说欣赏期末考考到了这篇,原问题是 The Soldier 这个题目有什么含义,因为当时我没有读过这篇所以瞎答一通,生拉硬怼说主人公是士….

  10. 英文歌有句歌词好像是:**I am a soldier,**to war,但是我怎么都找不到?. 英文歌有句歌词好像是:**I am a soldier,**to war,但是我怎么都找不到。. 15. 英文歌有句歌词好像是:**I am a soldier,**to war,但是我怎么都找不到。. 15.

  11. 2009年2月18日 · Contesto fantascientifico. A è nel futuro e cerca di entrare in un portale per tornare nel suo tempo. B cerca di impedirglielo. Ad un certo punto B esclama: "Maybe I think the 20th century can soldier on just fine without you." "Soldier on" significa perseverare, tenere duro, ma non mi sembrano...

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