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  1. 2024年2月16日 · DSE English Speaking 流程. credit: Kate Kalvach. 相信大家都知道 DSE 英文口試主要分為 Group Interaction 同埋 Individual Response 兩 Part,但我今次就會由 Preparation 開始,帶大家 walk through 由考試開始到結束,每一步所需要嘅技巧! 2024 DSE 英文科考評局評核大綱. Eng Speaking Preparation Time 準備時間. 時間分配 + 策略. 喺短短嘅凖備時間(10 分鐘)入面,你要分秒必爭! 頭 1 - 2 分鐘:速讀題目資料,間低關鍵字眼.

  2. The speaking examination consists of two parts: Part A, Group Interaction; and Part B, Individual Response. In Part A, a group of candidates are required to discuss an assigned topic based on given prompts. These prompts may be in prose form or may be

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  3. 2021年8月26日 · 好多學生會覺得Speaking 係最唔需要技巧嘅,只依靠自己到時嘅臨場發揮。 今日就同大家分享吓四大幫你喺 Speaking 攞5**嘅技巧。 一邊聽人地發言一邊做筆記. Speaking 雖然只有短短十幾分鐘,但需要學生聚精會神,全程集中嚟應對。 除咗自己發言時要講得好,組員發言亦要留意,以求成組表現互動、尊重,獲得加分機會。 免費試堂. 減少講 “I agree with you” 與其一味講 “agree” ,缺乏後續嘅延伸,不如講 “That was a very convincing reason you just mentioned. By the way” ,咁樣就可以不失同意別人觀點嘅同時,亦銜接到自己嘅內容。 5** 答案: Exactly. I’m with you.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 2021年8月19日 · DSE Speaking 攻略. DSE English Paper 4. 相信大家都知道 DSE 英文口試主要分為 Group Interaction 同埋 Individual Response 兩 Part。 其實兩者都需要大家發言,而發言的有質素,你就會有優勢。 DSE Oral Cut-Off. DSE Speaking Preparation Time. 時間分配 + 策略. DSE English Paper 4: 有質素發言要訣 . 在 DSE 英文 paper 4 的小組討論時, 一個有質素的發言要訣有五部曲: 回應對方觀點. 講論點時要明確地解釋原因. 加上日常生活的例子. 提出假設推論及分析影響. 問別人意見. DSE 英文 paper 4 沒有既定的格式。

    • speaking skill 會考1
    • speaking skill 會考2
    • speaking skill 會考3
    • speaking skill 會考4
    • speaking skill 會考5
  6. 2021年8月30日 · 假如到時考 Speaking人將討論帶到完全離曬題,應該點算好?. Spencer Sir 教大家三種句式,可以直接將討論主題引領回軌道上。. Level 1: Shut up! You xxx – wasting my time! Well, we have all made some good points here, but it seems that we cannot reach a consensus for the time being.

  7. 2022年2月22日 · The DSE English Paper 4 (Speaking) is divided into two parts: Group Discussion and Individual Response. In order to succeed in this paper, candidates need to do well in four domains: Pronunciation and Delivery (發音與演講方式); Communication Strategies (溝通策略); Vocabulary and Language Patterns (字彙和句式) and Ideas and ...

  8. The SBA assesses studentsspeaking skills, including their performance in pronunciation and delivery, communication strategies, vocabulary and language patterns, and ideas and organisation. The guiding principle is that the type of task (i.e. communicative purpose and mode of assessment) and the type of text used for assessment must be ...