雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 聖安娜餅屋於香港、澳門及廣州的店舖網絡逾百家,並透過此零售網絡以自家品牌分銷自家生產之麵包西餅及節日食品。 香港聖安娜更設立網上餅店,為顧客提供24小時訂餅服務!

  2. 香港聖安娜更設立網上餅店,為顧客提供24小時訂餅服務!

  3. Saint Honore Cake Shop Limited and its subsidiaries manufacture, distribute and sell bakery products through its own retailing operations in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Macau. Currently, there are over 100 stores in the Saint Honore Cake Shop chains in these markets.

  4. 聖安娜餅屋 Saint Honore Cake Shop. 95,132 likes · 797 talking about this. 查詢電話 (辦公時間):2991-6677 電郵:feedback@sthonore.com 網上訂購蛋糕:www.sthonore.com

  5. 聖安娜餅屋 Saint Honore Cake Shop的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 灣仔春園街29-41號春園大廈地下F號舖。.

  6. The St. Honoré cake, usually known by its French name gâteau St-Honoré, and also sometimes called St. Honoratus cake, [1] is a pastry dessert named for the French patron saint of bakers and pastry chefs, Saint Honoré or Honoratus (d. 600 AD), Bishop of Amiens. [2]

  7. Saint Honore Cake Shop. 自從知道「聖安娜餅屋」推出了五款港式懷舊西餅之後,便一直心思思想買回家吃,希望重拾那些年的美好回憶。. 這一天,工作過後,終於特地來到這商場內的「聖安娜」分店,把這些懷舊西餅($4.8/件,一次過買六件,特價$24/6件,$4/件)買 ...

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