雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The redevelopment of St. James’ Settlement Jockey Club Social Services Building, located at No. 100, Kennedy Road, Wanchai, has been finished since 2013 and this allows us to have greater space and think creatively to meet the .....Please click here for

  2. St. James' Settlement. 服務香港74年. 每年服務超過3,230,000人次. 96 個服務點為不同地區人士服務. 1,900 名員工,提供高質素綜合服務. 約2,540位義工參與服務. 聖雅各福群會賽馬會社會服務大樓. 位於灣仔堅尼地道100號的聖雅各福群會賽馬會社會服務大樓的重建工作已於 ...

  3. St. JamesSettlement 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, HK Tel : 25745201 Fax : 31043657 Email : [email protected]

  4. St. James' Settlement is a pioneer who serves the elders, and their families, with diversified and high quality service. More Electrical Appliances for the Elderly Programme

  5. St. James’ Settlement Wanchai Integrated Family Service Centre 聖雅各福群會灣仔綜合家庭服務中心 St James’ Settlement 聖雅各福群會 Eastern and Wan Chai District 東區及灣仔區 Enquiries: 2835 4342 查詢電話:2835 4342 Fax: 2833 9940 傳真: 電郵 ...

  6. St. James' Settlement Address 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong Email [email protected] Opening Hours Search Back Address: 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, HK Email: [email protected] Our Services Special Service Projects Charity Projects ...

  7. St. James' Settlement (SJS; Chinese: 聖雅各福群會) is a non-governmental charitable organisation in Hong Kong. It provides continuing care, family and counselling, rehabilitation, youth and community centre services. It aims at helping the needy to cope with social challenges.

  8. True Light Home for the Aged is a self-financed, non-profit-making Care & Attention Home operated by St. James' Settlement. We provide comprehensive residential nursing care to older adults with frailty. The elderly can enjoy a quality life in a respectful and

  9. 24-07-2024 婚禮花飾設計及應用I(花卉首飾)基礎證書(兼讀制) (油麻地) 上課地點: 油麻地中心 預計開班日期: 25-07-2024 婚禮花飾設計及應用 II (桌面及花車佈置 )證書 (兼讀制) (洪水橋) 上課地點: 洪水橋中心 預計開班日期: 01-08-2024.

  10. Jockey Club C • Care Programme - St James’ Settlement Care with Love Support Service 6/F, St. James' Settlement, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong 5100 3942

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